It had been some time since I had felt such pain; to have given my heart with both hands only to see it fall upon the gravelled grounds of shattered hopes past. Though the sadness overwhelmed my sense, anger could not befall upon her. All I felt was the failure within myself. Had I been more than who I am, would she have returned the love I gladly threw her way? Was it some quality I lacked that halted the progress of our romance?
Minutes passed by like elongated hours as my mind flustered about in a haze of confusing thoughts. Yet still, none held an ounce of bitterness towards her. How could such passionate love be thwarted aside like the garments of yesterday? I stared at my discarded heart, now scarred and ran with blood as black as fine ink. Would it ever work again? I dared a poke at the now still heart. The sudden beat startled me. I could feel the rhythm of the small muscle fall to a steadiness that comforted me. If not used to love, it could still be used to live.
A sarcastic smirk crept onto my face. Deep within me, I felt the distance grow quickly like the untamed weeds left unchecked. I loved her unconditionally, hoping that was enough to mend what cracks this distance would bring forth. A futile attempt by a man too lost in the joys of months passed to see the holes that would come tomorrow.
I shook my head, trying to clear the mist of still misery that had planted root within my mind. I had dared to love a woman with all that I am. I had dared to give all that I can. Dared to bare all that I could…for the sake of her happiness. Few men could boast such noble words. Yet again I reminded myself that rage was not tearing at her, but working to break what sanity I had shielded behind stonewalls. The realizations made me double my efforts. My walls could not come baring down on me now.
That's how I felt I feel a certain degree.
Anywhos...Timmy's reading again. I read two books in the matter of 3 days. One of which only lasted me through one night...From 12 to 8am, I sat in my bed and read Keys of Power book 2 Fire and Sword. Book 1 last 2 nights since they weren't 8 hour sits. Book 3 isn't out till sometime in September I think. Gotta find another series to tie me down till then.
DAS is back. Not to full power, but it'll get there. Still got some of the original people coming back. Awesome people I owe too much to put into words for. Forums are up to for those interested. Send me a shout. if you want access. is the site. Hat off to Brian for setting the site up and all that jazz.
I'm turning Lores into an online graphic novel with the help of Julie Nguyen. She's an awesome artist who shares my love for storytelling and surpasses me in so many ways when it comes to the art of drawing. Look for the new Lores in the coming weeks.
Taking a breather from FFXI till Chains of Promathia comes out September or so. I think I need to get some things sorted in my life before I invest any more into the game. I still love it, but priorities need to be set before I can fully engross myself into the world of Vana'diel. Sorry to all who were looking to me for help. I'll miss my Vana'diel family aka Solaris, but the bird has to leave the nest at some point.
When was the last time I updated huh? At least I made it long enough to keep you occupied for the 20 seconds it takes you to read it, right?