I caught the show yesterday!
It's very very bloody. People like Dan, please ready your stomach after the movie cause even my sis said she was feeling a little nauseous after all that blood. (I felt perfectly fine after the movie really, just making fun of all the blood splurting.) For one note: Sweeney has really really sharp silver razors.
Read about Johnny Depp doing a very punk rock style for his vocals for this one. I agree so, but I just couldn't get out of my head it's was like 'Oh lookie, Jack Sparrow is singing.' (It's on wiki!)
Same goes when it's Alan Rickman's turn to sing, especially when the scene with him and Johnny Depp. Lol, A Snape and Sparrow duet. Darnit XD
To just put simply what genre the movie would be under (as dad says) it's a Shakespear Tragedy. Lots of bloodd, lots of lots of it. Of course now would be a good time to quote MCR's Blood track. "Blood, blood. Gallons of the stuff." Which is probably how much fake blood they used in the whole production.
I don't feel like spoiling. It's a good movie, just that i doesn't leave a good aftertaste, although depending how you view the end. It can be happy in a macabre way. (Wiki's got a summery of the movie, you can spoil yourself if you like. Reading it there though, won't prepare you for all that blood~)
Side note: Btw, visit my
sis's blog on her 1/6 scale doll reports. She just got her R.P.D. version of Leon Kennedy.
(Rika: I know you just wanna comment on that
butt shot of Leon )