Jul 12, 2007 10:57
So I have been taking a Spanish course at night to try to finish up my language requirements. It is a total immersion class taught by a Colobian woman. The other day I had a question about the difference between 'Cual' and 'Que'. Being a total immersion class, I phrased my question in my very limited Spanish: "Perdon professora. Yo Tengo una pregunta. No entiendo el differente a cual y que." so she gave me an explanation of how que is used. I didn't understand everything she said, but I understood that que was for when the expected response can be multiple-i.e. 'what'. Then she explained how cual was used when the expected response was singular of a group-i.e. 'which'. When she had finished she looked at me expectantly to see if I understood, which I did, so I said "OK". She apparently thought I had said "oh, que" and since she had just finished talking about cual, she says "No, Cual!" and so began five minutes of 'Who's on first?' except in Spanish and much less amusing for me.