Oh the randomness that was today.

Sep 23, 2007 18:51

I actually had a good day. I'm exceptionally happy right now. My cousins, uncle, aunt, and grandparents came over and we had a nice lunch. Then all the kids, me being the oldest, all got really hyper and spazzed for a few hours. I broke a shoe shelf in the closet out of my excitement. My brother hit me over the head with my dog's stuffed toy and I lost it and I fell into the closet he was hiding in and all I heard was CRRRRUNCH and then I screeched, "NO ONE WILL FIND OUT IF YOU DON'T SAY ANYTHING!"
Meanwhile the shelf is completely sideways. I laughed my head off for about five minutes.

Apart from that, my brother made an amazing lunch. There was a whole lot of food, so there was plenty to go around. We have oodles of left overs, which I'll probably go and devour in a few minutes. Mind you, my brother is 10 years old and he cooks better than I do =O
But I know more about music than he does so BAM!

And tomorrow is Monday and I haven't finished my homework yet.
I'll ask my mom to help me finish. But it's writing about your favorite TV character, so it's not that bad. I've obviously chosen Ari Gold, so yeah, I rock :D
I think I might go put my proper age in my profile. I made myself 17 in hopes to get into a chef slash LJ community. Now I wanna be 14 again.
*skips off happily*

homework, ari gold, good day, family

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