So.... if you are what you eat... insert JFK joke here.
what is this "doughnuts?" I don't know what strange and bizarre pastry concoctions you guys eat down there, but we eat donuts!, dammit! Even if they are covered in a fine and probably illegal powder.
I hereby declare it to be Random Doughnut Day, in which people give away doughnuts to people for no apparent reason. *checks front yard hopefully*
So.... if you are what you eat... insert JFK joke here.
what is this "doughnuts?" I don't know what strange and bizarre pastry concoctions you guys eat down there, but we eat donuts!, dammit! Even if they are covered in a fine and probably illegal powder.
They're nuts! Made of dough! Which... sounds oddly unappetising, in a way.
They're nuts! Made of dough! Which... sounds oddly unappetising, in a way.
Unappetizing foods... that's how we know you Aussies are indeexd descended from the Brits. ;D
I feel I have to use this icon for every comment here, no matter what.
"hey! hes a fucking donut, whaddya want! hes a fucking donut!"
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