Title: Past Imperfect, Present Tense
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Characters: House, Wilson
This story is lovingly dedicated to
blackmare_9 , who patiently--and literally--pulled every single word out of me.
Cuddy's made the phone call, and now Wilson's headed back to... what? )
When I'm complementing Cameron on her manner in regard to House, then it's bad. If House ended his own life right now, I'd say good for him -- the suffering's over. And that's bad.
*takes deep breath* Sorry.
Um. Brilliantly written, as usual -- I could imagine it happening and can still see House's living room in my head while thinking about it. The dialogue and Wilson's realization (*gnashes teeth*) were spot-on and in terrible need of being mailed to David Shore or whoever wrote that episode without consulting with any of the other writers for continuity's sake. Maybe if you and others I love reading for offered to take over in that department, I'd be able to pay attention during the episodes now.
Yeah, the heartbreaking news. During the second episode of this season, I actually looked away from the screen for long moments when there was no commercial break. I favored solitaire and reorganizing my CD case. *still appalled*
rofl, dear.
crows love shiny objects, too!
oh, look! there's mare's squirrel!!! and he's carrying a pumpkin!!!!!
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