The conclusion of last night's episode left me confused and disappointed and angry and irritable. Oh, and did I mention confused? Continuity gods, why dost thou continue to forsake us? Our forgiveness for last season's Tritter arc wasn't a large enough sacrifice?
And speaking of arcs. I enjoyed the Stacy arc. *ducks*
I tolerated the Vogler arc
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I'm upset about the whole Wilson-House dynamic disappearing recently. Hopefully it will get better, and the writers have a chance before we are all waiting until next fall due to the WGA strike.
dream with me here. it's comforting.
< : )
As great as ol' St. Doris is, she explicitly stated on her LJ that she doesn't think a physical relationship between House and Wilson makes sense to her version of their relationship.
Which obviously doesn't preclude everything your dreaming about, it just precludes it involving...anything physical.
I just want a BGW episode, that's all. Can't I have it?
which is a large part of the reason i adore her! i don't know what you read into my dream--but i'm not a slasher. i'm not even a shipper! to me, the house-wilson dynamic doesn't involve romance; nor does it involve sex. i see the house-wilson dynamic as a bond that transcends that of brothers [to paraphrase a beautiful line from star trek--tos].
if you've ever read any of my fiction, you're aware that i don't write slash. never have. don't read it either. so i'm giggling, and a bit curious [okay--a lot curious] what made you think i was referring to sex? or to anything other than their amazing stupid, screwed-up friendship?
ETA: forgot to ask--what's BGW? [maybe i should know, but i haven't had coffee yet....]
i've never seen south park, so i'm afraid the ref was lost on me.... as to wilson's feelings towards house? i think they're as complex as house himself [and how's that for a pseudointelligent copout? hee].
oh, and btw--if you'd like a short [600 words] taste of my writing, i just posted a brand new one-shot right here.
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