The conclusion of last night's episode left me confused and disappointed and angry and irritable. Oh, and did I mention confused? Continuity gods, why dost thou continue to forsake us? Our forgiveness for last season's Tritter arc wasn't a large enough sacrifice?
And speaking of arcs. I enjoyed the Stacy arc. *ducks*
I tolerated the Vogler arc
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House himself has just turned plain shallow. Wilson has been weird, Ugly is a good example of that. House is feeling a normal human emotion, guilt. Wilson points it out passingly, but spends the entire episode trying to convince House that he's a man-dog who's only physically attracted to her? Wtf. The Wilson we know is bent on making sure House has some degree of empathy for other people, he would have prodded at that!
I think a good 80% of the problem, aside from the bad writing is just the overload of the characters, there's no time for even House to be himself. He's just there to spout off a couple of weak jokes and supervise.
And god! I was so mad with last nights episode! There was NO closure to that conflict, they just ended it there because there was no time! And you're right, just having House give him one of those looks that means everything at the end of it would have been sufficient!
My other major problem with it was the reason for firing Amber was like an antithesis to House as a character and the show in general. House has always been doing things in a very "ends justifies the means" sort of way, but suddenly, someone else does it and it's not cool? And lots of things contradict previous seasons, I remember House telling Foremen (who was his favorite) back in season 1 that he wants Foremen's self confidence hinged on it more or less. So frustrating!
(And you're telling me that in the 13 years or whatever the number it is that Wilson has been working there he's never seen someone mad finding out they're going to live? give me a break. Dream Wilson even references it in end of S2)
Season 4 is sensationalism to the max it seems like. So many lame firing fakeouts in this episode. I just get a little bit tired of being manipulated blatantly by the show...
I liked the first 3 seasons for the most part. S3 had some issues, but the painful Tritter arc is what really showed how much Wilson loves House for me, so I can't bash it too hard. (just the lack of making up was fail). Though the last few episodes were reward enough.
I'll still keep watching, but this season is like a horrible alternate universe that I can only console myself with the thought that Wilson and House are totally doing it offscreen, and that's why House is strangely happy
and their final words to each other, as regards that conflict?
wilson: do your job.
house: no.
allll-righty, then. that was satisfying.
And you're telling me that in the 13 years or whatever the number it is that Wilson has been working there he's never seen someone mad finding out they're going to live? give me a break. Dream Wilson even references it in end of S2
and that S2 scene was so beautiful, so eloquent, that i've used it, or referenced it, several times in my own fiction; it's a prime example of how very well wilson understands house and the way he views the world.
just the lack of making up was fail
yup--and fanfic writers the world over [including me] are still attempting to correct that oversight. sigh....
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