Oct 27, 2007 15:41

I am pleased to be posting this for its author, the absolutely amazing 
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writing, blackmare_9

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Comments 18

kidsnurse October 27 2007, 21:27:54 UTC
When we acknowledge the rules of the playground, we all benefit. Expanded 'verses, great writing, even creating or deepening friendships. "Does not play well with others" is an apt--and humorous--description of House. But it's not a label any of us should try to aspire to. This is such a well-written essay, Mare; I'd like to thank you for addressing this issue so very skillfully.


blackmare October 27 2007, 21:45:11 UTC
Thanks for giving me a safe place to post this.

I think a lot of people find it interesting, the idea of running with a story that someone else started, or collaborating with a writer they really like. We've gotten enough notice with Aftershocks that I felt like someone ought to talk about the process a little bit.


(The comment has been removed)

blackmare October 27 2007, 22:15:24 UTC
Although we have to admit that it's a bit hypocritical, seeing as we write fanfiction and the original creators don't have any say in it.


However, we know one another in the fandom, so it seems a lot more personal.


kidsnurse October 27 2007, 22:21:15 UTC
it's a bit hypocritical

ROFL over here! amusing and utterly accurate.


mystcphoenxcafe November 19 2007, 04:36:05 UTC

Although we have to admit that it's a bit hypocritical, seeing as we write fanfiction and the original creators don't have any say in it.

Well, there is always that. :-P

For myself, I'd respectfully disagree. Granted, I've been lucky in my fandom relations, but overall, I am, and will remain, flattered when someone is affected enough by my fic, whether fan- or orig-, to want to write more, or to borrow orig. characters, etc.. Even if it's not written to the standard I'd prefer. Ymmv. And 'tis kyool that it does, etc. :-)

Thank'ee's for a well-written look at the majority opinion. Good to know, etc. :-)



shutterbug12 October 28 2007, 05:11:43 UTC
I've been wondering about the collaborative process behind Aftershocks; it was nice to see an explanation for how collaborations develop among writers.

Word to the checking your ego at the door remark. In general, I think that's so important, even when you're not diving into someone else's ficverse. It's wonderful to take pride in your work, but it's unreasonable to think that everyone will share your enthusiasm. Besides, I think an author should write for him or herself first and foremost. Although positive feedback is wonderful, the need to feed your ego isn't exactly the best reason to get into it. But I'm getting off-topic here...

Anyway, thanks for your insight. I always enjoy hearing things like this from the more experienced authors among us. :)


blackmare October 28 2007, 05:25:52 UTC
Heh. We're having a blast with Aftershocks, tired as we are at this point. When it's finally done with -- and it's in the home stretch now -- we're planning to do a ton of "behind the scenes" stuff for anyone who's interested in the process. So you'll get your wish in a large way.

I wrote this mostly because I'd sensed a certain interest or curiosity from a couple of readers about my tendency to cross into other people's stories. I felt like it might be good to talk a little about how that happened.

It is telling, I think, that the people whose stories I most commonly borrow are also the ones who serve as my primary beta-readers -- the ones I trust to deal with me gently but also to tell me if I'm smoking crack today and need to just start over. Hee.


mystcphoenxcafe November 19 2007, 04:38:35 UTC

Besides, I think an author should write for him or herself first and foremost. Although positive feedback is wonderful, the need to feed your ego isn't exactly the best reason to get into it.

Wonderfully said! :-) And for myself, I've always thought that if you don't love your work, how can you expect anyone else to?



med_anomaly October 28 2007, 06:39:05 UTC
Very well put. It can be all too easy for writers, particularly those newer to fanfiction, to be caught unaware of the courtesies that are appropriate in this type of situation, especially, given the nature of fanfiction to begin with. This is a helpful orientation.
On another note, I couldn't help but notice the mention of an unpublished Contract-verse piece. Any chance you'd consider posting it now that you're more comfortable in the pool? (had to ask)


blackmare October 28 2007, 06:46:40 UTC
I doubt that the Contract thing I wrote will ever see the light of day. I was never entirely happy with it, and then came the numerous other writers who expanded that ficverse in so many other brilliant ways, so now? I just don't see the point. That ground has already been thoroughly covered.

The one I'm more interested in is a breathtaking little scene KidsNurse wrote for a story of mine. It hasn't been published, but only because there's a middle part to the tale and the characters have totally clammed up on me about it. I have Point A and Point C but no line, no Point B. YET.


med_anomaly October 28 2007, 06:56:01 UTC
I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for that one. You both do such great work both individually and together. :)


brenda79 October 28 2007, 12:37:26 UTC
I really enjoyed reading this, so I thank you blackmare-9.
I've never wrote a collab or extended on to a 'verse but I think these are some important facts to keep in mind if someone ever wanted to.


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