What House Knows [companion to What Wilson Knows]

Oct 25, 2007 14:23

Title:  What House Knows
Rating:  PG
Genre:  Friendship, a bit of angst
Summary:  House knows he's put Wilson in a tough position--but he has his reasons.

Occasionally, it crosses House's mind that this may put his best friend in a less-than-comfortable position. )

friendship, house, pain, wilson

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med_anomaly October 25 2007, 19:44:52 UTC
Absolutely beautiful, a great pair of pieces that fit together as well as House and Wilson. This set is poignant and well-balanced. Nicely done.

By the way, I think there's some kind of a formatting error going on with your link to the previous piece.


(The comment has been removed)

med_anomaly October 25 2007, 20:24:28 UTC
As for concrit, nothing major to report ( ... )


kidsnurse October 25 2007, 20:35:38 UTC
implemented several of your suggestions--you're right; it greatly improves the flow. many, many thanks! [and scrip has always been the accepted medical 'slang' for "prescription"--as a matter of fact, when i see 'script' in other fanfics (or even here it said as 'script' on the show, which has actually happened once), my mind automatically goes to that thing that tells actors what to say!] :) thank you thank you thank you!!!!!


med_anomaly October 25 2007, 20:53:07 UTC
hmm...I wonder if this scrip vs. script thing is something that varies by region, because all the doctors and nurses at the hospital I work at say script. In fact, the pharm. company I order prescription meds from is even called express scripts. weird.
you're most welcome my dear, glad the suggestions were helpful. :)


kidsnurse October 25 2007, 20:56:16 UTC
helpful? helpful? i think that they made the thing ever-so-much more 'readable,' and a couple of your suggestions increased the impact of what i was trying to say! i'm more than grateful.


kidsnurse October 25 2007, 21:14:30 UTC
ugggg--my brain. forgot to add that perhaps 'scrip' is one of those weird southern things. i remember being laughed at in georgia for calling it a 'script', and it's a 'scrip' in florida as well. and since i've worked only in the south....

also forgot to add that i do, indeed, know the difference between 'here' and 'hear'. sometimes i do hate my baclofen-riddled brain..... :)


med_anomaly October 25 2007, 23:44:11 UTC
Believe me, it was plenty readable as it was, but I'm happy the suggestions worked for you.
As for the whole scrip/script thing, my guess would be it might be a regional difference. Can't really say for sure, as I'm a New Yorker, born and raised, but based on what you've said, it seems likely. It would explain why they say script on the show too since Jersey's not far from here.
No worries about the here/hear, I'm quite well- convinced that you've got a masterful way with words. :)


kidsnurse October 26 2007, 01:41:21 UTC
okay; i'm convinced. they are in new jersey, so 'script' it shall be! [does this mean i must now go back and correct it in my other 200 thousand words?] ;)

and MANY MANY thanks!!!!


med_anomaly October 26 2007, 02:09:19 UTC
ha, oh no. sorry, i wasn't trying to convince, just thinking aloud on the reason for the difference. i didn't even think a change was warranted here, so definitely not needed in the previous works. :)


kidsnurse October 26 2007, 02:13:39 UTC
so definitely not needed in the previous works. :)

*sighs with relief*

actually though, i'm such an obsessive perfectionist that i probably will be going through it all and making the change. just glad you made me aware of this regional difference before i write my next two hundred thousand words! hee. :)


med_anomaly October 26 2007, 05:17:12 UTC
so, i felt like i should do some digging to see if this is an actual regional difference. theoretically, it could just be how they say it at my hospital. for what it's worth, urbandictionary.com defines both scrip and script as slang for prescription. going back and making those changes seems like so much work (and of course i'd hate to be responsible for delaying those next two hundred thousand wonderful words). so, i thought a justification for leaving it as is might help, so here goes: clearly both terms are used by healthcare professionals, and since house grew up and studied all over the country and wilson trained in canada and who knows where else, even if there were a regional difference, you should be in the clear with them using either/or.


kidsnurse October 26 2007, 14:36:49 UTC

and i thought i was an obsessive perfectionist--ain't got nothin' on you sweetie!


med_anomaly October 27 2007, 06:17:26 UTC
guilty as charged. it's just how i roll. :)


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