BUSTED (new one-shot)

Jul 15, 2007 08:46

Title:  Busted
Characters:  Wilson, House
Rating:  G
Genre:  Gen, friendship
Words:  1200
Summary:  Wilson's down with a wicked migraine--fine time for House to start acting stranger than usual!  x-posted

Busted )

friendship, house, wilson

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theyreforrachel July 15 2007, 14:14:55 UTC
awww. I love this side of House.

AND MEL BROOKS OMG. :) that made me ever-so-happy.


kidsnurse July 15 2007, 14:17:58 UTC

you can thank blackmare_9 for that reference; i'd originally gone with the alfred hitchcock cliche'!


blackmare July 15 2007, 14:30:28 UTC
Actually, you can thank nightdog_barks. I got into a discussion with her about the fact that so many fan writers make Wilson a big fan of showtunes -- it's a fandom cliche that I hate, and I had never seen any canon evidence for it. It was Nightdog who told me about Wilson quoting from The Producers, and I had to laugh. I've seen the movie version of that, and it is ... cynical, twisted, hilarious; the sort of thing even House would love. It -- broke my brain a little bit. I loved it, and I generally don't dig musicals.

So I still don't think of Wilson as a "showtunes" kinda guy, but I do think he's a huge fan of Mel Brooks, and who could blame him?


theyreforrachel July 15 2007, 14:38:26 UTC
Wilson's just straight enough not to love showtunes. Plus the Producers is just about the best movie ever made. XD


kidsnurse July 15 2007, 14:40:18 UTC
okay--thank you, nightdog_barks! actually i need to ask her if this story counts as the sick!wilson fic she's been bugging me to suggesting that i write. i'm thinking... no. ;)


blackmare July 15 2007, 14:45:06 UTC
*laughs hysterically*

Oh my, no. When Nightdog says "sick," I am certain she means the sort of thing you usually do to House. Protracted and life-threatening, or at least life-threatening.

But you could offer to make a trade: You'll write Sick!Wilson if she'll write Sick!House. Hee. See if she goes for it.


nightdog_barks July 15 2007, 15:45:58 UTC

You guys are so mean to me. I'd barely be able to write a story where House gets a splinter, much less a Sick!House. Meenies.

Hee hee hee.


kidsnurse July 15 2007, 15:53:02 UTC
I'd barely be able to write a story where House gets a splinter, much less a Sick!House

why am i having... great difficulty... buying that? okay, i take that back, as that's pretty much the way i feel about trying to write a sick!wilson. besides, don't you have that corner of the market pretty much covered at the moment? ;)


nightdog_barks July 15 2007, 16:27:20 UTC

I have no idea what you're talking about. ;-)

And I loved this, kidsnurse -- the little subterfuge with the tickets was really nice. There must be an ulterior motive, so House "admits" there is, and is then stuck in a self-constructed trap. Hee!


kidsnurse July 15 2007, 16:43:13 UTC
then stuck in a self-constructed trap

i was sitting here attempting to think of even one trap that house hadn't driven at least the first nail into... and i couldn't do it. if you really wanna push it, maybe tritter actually fired the first shot in the War of the Poses, but other than that, i think it's pretty much house shooting himself in the foot every time. poor house.


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