Happy Hour (second in the HOUR series)

Jun 18, 2007 17:53

Title:  Happy Hour
Characters:  House, Wilson
Rating: G
Genre:  Angst
Word Count:  525
Summary:  After visiting Wilson in prison, House makes another stop.  And I certainly hope he's finished; I'd love to get this whole "what if?" scenario outta my poor peabrain.
Herein lies the continuation of the angst... )

house, angst

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sydneylover150 June 18 2007, 22:27:35 UTC
So I've decided that sicking Cameron on Tritter isn't bad enough. I want medieval styled torture to the nth degree. Diablo is probably calling for his blood.

By the way is House supposed to sound sober at the end? And what is House doing with his life? Wilson better not have replaced him like I read in another fic. (I don't even remember if the person continued that one.)God I hate Tritter!!!


kidsnurse June 18 2007, 22:35:16 UTC
is House supposed to sound sober at the end?

yes; he sobered up the instant he realized jerry wasn't jimmy. **sob**


blackmare June 18 2007, 22:37:37 UTC
You totally broke my heart with this, you know. Really.

It was bad enough but then when House was so far gone that he thought he could still call Wilson to come and get him, oh. That shattering sound you heard was me.


kidsnurse June 18 2007, 22:44:54 UTC
That shattering sound you heard was me.

i'm sorry, honey--it's very difficult to hear anything over the sounds of my own wailing.... make it go away--MAKE IT GO AWAY!!!!


sydneylover150 June 18 2007, 23:15:39 UTC
I'm crying. Darn you. Gah. Poor James, Poor Greg. Damn Tritter. Make it better, make it better!


blackmare June 18 2007, 22:43:07 UTC
I believe the fic you meant was by deelaundry and is titled Locked Up and Set Free. It broke me very badly and as a result I wrote a piece to stop the bleeding; Dee was kind enough to link it at the end of her story, and you can also find it on my own LJ page.

And, you see, I am now sorely afraid that Kidsnurse is about to break me all apart in a similar fashion, and compel me to do the thing I tend to do and write into this terrible, awful, no good, very bad ficverse.

Hopefully, though, her tendency to do things in threes will hold true. Meaning that there'll be one more segment of this and then she'll be free of it. And maybe it won't be enough to make me go nuts until I write something about it. I hope.


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kidsnurse June 18 2007, 23:12:08 UTC
This is GOING to need something like that from SOMEONE!!

umm... does the original author of these charming little pieces get a chance at fixing it BEFORE we start offering them out for fixing? ;)


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kidsnurse June 18 2007, 23:26:13 UTC
YES YES YES and etcetera

*smiling [in between sobs] and wondering what i've impulsively gotten myself into*


sydneylover150 June 18 2007, 23:21:37 UTC
I have an idea, how about we decide that Tritter should be flayed (What I need this, its carthartic.)Then we should beg people fix what their minds have created. (Yeah, see above Kidnurse, that's your mess, please clean it up with I don't know, Tritter going to jail for fraudulent warrants, which automatically releases all those convicted on those fraudulent warrants to be set free from said jail. Catching the drift? ;<)

I agree w/ kidnurse though, we shouldn't be offering until we're sure they have been finished with by the original writer. *backs away slowly and hopefully un-threateningly.*


kidsnurse June 18 2007, 23:27:51 UTC
*backs away slowly and hopefully un-threateningly.*

you're quite safe, sweetie; i don't do RP fics. ;)


sydneylover150 June 18 2007, 23:35:16 UTC
Thank god, I don't need a hit out on me. Gah, has the bug left you yet?

Anyhow, I don't think I told you, excellent job. On both of these. They were short, but emotionally packed. Great stories to cry with or feel extremely depressed. Honestly you conveyed the emotion brilliantly. I loved it! Great job. (Can we go back to the emotionally more happy trilogy now? Please? Tritter evil and bad.)

PS- Sorry for sounding like such a five-year-old. I love your stuff. This one what if though really scares me. Although yours is a lot lot lighter then Dee's, so bonus points to you there. Great job! Keep the pen going!


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