Jun 19, 2007 18:00
So after a shitty four minute interview at Dilletante Chocolates where they basically told me that a branch on the other fucking side of town was hiring I decided that I'm going to temp for awhile. It's money that I need, it requires basic monkey skills and I can turn down work if I need to.
Teaching again is fun. It's summer so it should be pretty relaxed. I really think teaching my be my calling. I'm also getting personal requests from classmates in my workshop conerning their artist statements. Many don't have schooling in art so they welcome my advice. It's a compliment and a joy to critique people's writing.
Went running with the boy again. Did much better as I didn't have a debilitating headache and I prefer running in the arboretum. We're supposed to hang out tonight but we both have to wake up early. I need to make an effort to take this up a notch in terms of 'seeing each other'. I think I'd like to date this guy.
Gay Pride in a few days. Get prepared liver.