And the Names Meme, yoinked from
lindra If you call me Lynette, you are pretty much everyone.
If you call me Lyn, you are Natalie or Carolyn - or possibly someone in Rinkchat, from whom I endure it for the sake of abbreviation.
If you call me Lynettesis, you are Monkeydon.
If you call me Teia, you are Angela.
If you call me My Sweet Lynettey, you are Eric.
If you call me Muffin, you are James.
If you call me Lynettish, you are Kaz.
If you call me LYNETTISHKIKIPOINGASFDIHFDGKN, you are Zarniwoop.
If you call me Kiki or, God forbid, unipeg, you are a nostalgiac Rinky.
If you call me Mongoose or Lynetteschauss, you are Lizi.
If you call me Yorgey, you are a member of my family trying to get my attention or somebody at Fourth.
If you call me something else I can't remember right now, remind me and I'll Edit to add it later.