Mar 14, 2005 22:34
BlazE8398: hi im inquiring about the savior you have for sale
XSaviorForSaleX: well....we have a lovely "Jesus the Christ"(tm) for sale right now. All you have to do is completely allow yourself to be brainwashed by one of our certified child molesters. Also, we will need you to give 10% of each of your paychecks to the church. Jesus gotta eat too! Finally, we are going to have to ask you to completely ignore all science, history, and common sense that beckons you to turn away. just sign here...
XSaviorForSaleX: and here
XSaviorForSaleX: and here
XSaviorForSaleX: and initial here
BlazE8398: damn thats the funniest shit i ever heard
XSaviorForSaleX: lol
XSaviorForSaleX: its funny cause its true=-O
BlazE8398: lol god my stomach hurts
XSaviorForSaleX: Of course if you arent interested...we also have....
XSaviorForSaleX: The Allah-muhammad combo going pretty cheap right now. It seems to be a big seller in the middle east. Theres really not much to it. All you have to do is stop taking showers, grow a beard, treat women like trash, and kill anybody that dares question your faith. Also, you will need to find a nice shack somewhere with no modern technology. We here at SaviorForSale INC believe that you will be more dedicated to your invisible friends if you have no distractions. Absolutely none at all.
BlazE8398: lol
BlazE8398: "thankyou come again"
XSaviorForSaleX: If you are looking for a real deal, you could go with either our Mormon or Jehovas witness either case you will just have to bash yourself in the head repeatedly until nothing makes sense anymore. ;-)