I used to use photobucket for all the photos I had on here and now I don't have access to that account. So all my old image links are basically gone. I can't believe I used to pay for it.
Anyway, with the advent of
LaceBook and
LaceMarket (which seems to be getting a makeover every few hours), it seems like lolita life can move beyond LJ. I have tons of little things I want to sell off, so that seems like a good way to go about it. LJ has gotten too messy for selling, and I'm already too lazy to take photos of things.
It seems like I want to start a lot of things at the start of the new year. I bought a Fit Journal. Need to start that. I want to use Good Reads properly. I want to keep a blog going for longer than one entry. I want to keep to a proper skincare regimen. If not every day, at least every other day. I want to hang out with my friends more. In person. Online. In letters. I want my hair to be cooperative, but I need to learn how to treat it better. I want to keep a plant alive this year. I want to start and finish a craft project, and have it look like the picture. I want to learn how to make my grandma's stinky tofu. I want to go to some of these
I can't believe I waited 1.5 years to watch the next season of Sherlock and it ends all over again next Sunday. And the villain has hardly made an appearance this entire time. The popularity of the show definitely warrants more episodes, but I suppose the stars are in high demand now and their schedules just can't accommodate it. Too bad. At least Game of Thrones will be back soon. No telling when the next book will be out though. Perhaps within the next 5 years or so?