Just thought I'd check in...

Sep 02, 2011 23:54

I haven't been keeping up with my LJ. I'm sure that's been apparent. I just found this super amusing and had to post it. I'm not even sure how new or old these goods are...but lynch. has an iPhone 4 cover (don't they know iPhone 5 is on its way?). [edit: Oh good, it's sold out. But uh oh, I can buy stuff here.] I didn't even know bands were doing that. Is it true that people in Japan have both a regular cell phone and an iPhone? I know Intetsu and Mori Chack do, but only because I saw them use them last summer.

I think if I had an iPhone, I'd get it. It just looks cool. Haha. I still feel the call of the lynch. goods. Tbh, I haven't been paying much attention since Junji left and I don't even remember when that was. I've become one of those girls. No, really...I'm just super busy. I think I have their newest album somewhere on my hard drive just waiting to be listened to more thoroughly.

In other news, why do my packages keep arriving at my work on my days off? I specifically have it sent there so that the delivery guy doesn't leave my packages in front of an empty house. All of my good plans laid to waste.

I've always been an avid reader, but Kindle seems to make it even easier. Since all the Borders bookstores are shuttering, it has become increasingly harder to ascertain certain titles. I recently finished (or have caught up on) the Hunger Games trilogy and The Iron Fey series. I'm working on book 3 of The Mortal Instruments. The Hunger Games movie will be out next March, and The Mortal Instruments movie is still in pre-production.

I want to see The Hunger Games so desperately. I love spoiling myself, so for most of these books...I checked out the synopses beforehand. I know I have no patience. I do the same for movies. This doesn't detract from my enjoyment of them. In fact, it may enhance it. However, I couldn't picture my own characters for The Hunger Games because the movie had already been cast. I just imagined the actors playing their roles. I must say, that deflated my imagination a bit. The characters that haven't been cast were left to my own imagination. I seriously can't wait for this movie. I was at a bar last Sunday and I had to use my phone to watch the 1min teaser trailer that premiered at the end of the VMAs that night. I haven't felt so caught up in something for a long time.

I've also been using tumblr a lot more recently. Instead of wanting to share a thought or a story through a journal entry, I can use it just to show you something. All these platforms have gotten so fandom friendly. I like it.

the iron fey, goods, the hunger games, cine, the mortal instruments, lynch., libre

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