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I'm trying to stay excited, but they need to start showcasing some of the side characters because without them...there would be no couple. C'mon!
I've been watching hella movies lately. The last one I watched was Toy Story 3. Touching, but slightly forced. It almost felt like there were some Shrek-esque plot devices inserted into the storyline. Also watched The Karate Kid, Just Wright, Date Night...all within the last couple of months, I think. And now 2010 is filled with movies I want to watch: Eclipse, Deathly Hallows I, Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Easy A, Despicable Me, and probably a lot more.
All of my tv shows are now over, so I'm finally catching up on shows like How I Met Your Mother (on season two) and Glee. :) I plan on tackling Lost some day soon. I've also been tracking down any TNG episodes I haven't seen on youtube. I'm not sure they have all the episodes though. I usually put the shows on while cleaning, but I get more watching done than cleaning.