Mar 01, 2009 18:44

Seriously, her layouts are so simple and easy to manipulate. ^^ She hardly updates, but when she does...they're gems.

I'm totally in love w/ this layout photo from the recent issue of FLIX JAPAN; the styling really suits him. I still can't figure out how to get rid of that extra space in the footer though. It wasn't there before...so there's nothing I can edit out?

I think I'll use Shiva for slowsuit. I really need to update that journal. Everything seems to be falling through my fingers lately.

My parents are renovating the upstairs, and we have to move everything downstairs. I've moved about 3/4 of my life so far, but there's still so much crap!! I still have HW from first grade stashed away... I really don't wanna relive my childhood. -_- And I have a lot of textbooks to sell or donate. I hate how the publishers come out w/ new editions right after I finish a class. So irritating. At least my room will finally be uncluttered.

On a parting note: てっちゃん痩せたな・・・礼は? I can't tell.

[edit uno]: The footer is inching down, but it won't go all the way. What is up?!
I changed the parameters, and now everything fits~ Now, it seems like there's not enough white space.

[edit dos]: 尾張名古屋は俺でもつ's last show is on 3/29. Not much of a loss, save for the pictures. They really have too many of these activities; Radio STARZ may go down that path too.

葉月, 水嶋ヒロ, unsraw, life

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