
May 30, 2008 13:39

They played it last night. It seriously made my life.
As it was my last giru show in Japan, I was absolutely stunned.
So stunned, I hugged a stranger. I met her at the show, so I actually kinda knew her though. X3

from 2ch:
Dance Rock Night

Nothing short of amazing. :) Before their set, Ryo was just jamming on his drums and the audience started participating. XD I half expected them to just open the curtains, but Ryo was just playing w/ us. XDDD

I was already excited they were playing "crime-罪-"...but when I heard the intro of "腐界の闇"...I just totally lost myself. *-* I seriously couldn't ask for more. I couldn't believe they were playing it. I just kept thinking about how I didn't want the song to end even though I knew it would. As many songs that they have in their discography...As many as songs there are in this world that I have come to love..."腐界の闇" is a special one for me. I'm still in shock that it happened. I really don't think they've played it since their 13's reborn tour in 2006.

And then with "volcano'" & "お前に捧げる醜い声" to follow was just them exceeding my expectations. Although I wish they had played "omae ni~" a bit earlier so that everyone could mosh around sooner. XDDD I started over on kamite last, way past Nii...at the goods table, basically. And worked my way over to Shuu's side, like in front of him. =O That was some mad fun. I'm so glad I went to this show. All the bands were good. :) Usually at shows, there can be some o.O band...but tonight, they were more like ^-^b bands. Haha.

We had time to demachi for all the bands outside O-West. :) UnsraW left earlier, but we got to see Giru run into their vans like celebrities and drive off. XD Haha. Nakamoto-san & Shuu were sitting in the front, w/ the other 3 in the back. X3 I hardly ever demachi unless I'm w/ ppl, so I was glad that I had K. and new acquaintances that night. Special indeed.

I'm seeing UnsraW again today. I really hope they can play more than 3 songs. =/ My little project isn't going well. I may just end up mailing it to them. -_- I wanna do something nice and not rushed, and I'm just a slow procrastinator. Sorry.

ギルガメッシュ, live recap

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