Someone in the band...

Nov 11, 2007 22:46 either in seek's pants, or seek is in his pants. Wtf did he come all the way to Osaka to see lynch.'s oneman, when he could see them in Tokyo?! O___O And so did some other band guys, who were scurrying out from behind a door and down the main stairwell of Nishikujo Brand New. (me & another girl stared at each other like o-o..."we just saw seek." *cute moment*) Oh yea, and when I was paying for my drink ticket...the president of FACE Music was standing right in front of me. O_O Sadie was there then. :) [edit cuatro]: Mix Speaker's, Inc. had a oneman at Osaka MUSE the following night. So, it wasn't so strange for them to go see lynch.. Heh. My bad.

Lemme just say...that venue sucks so much ass (but the drinks are good!!). The ceiling is within jumping reach. And w/ all the requisite jumping in lynch.'s songs, that is mighty dangerous. Also, cuz there's lotsa guys too...who would hafta be careful and graze the stark white ceiling w/ their fingers. And the stage is soooooo narrow. Hazuki asked the ppl in the back if they could see them. MIENAI!!! D: He apologized.

I was number 00180...I don't know why they need 5 digits...but there it is. I would have been pretty far back if I didn't slither up the shimote side. D: I felt bad, but wtf you gonna do w/ all that space...all that space in front of you? X3 I was actually next to M (that one guy who is like my male equivalent cuz we like the same bands, he also gave me my first Yuuki bottle...but I never talk to the guy. o-o). His hair is almost as nice as Yusuke's. Osaka fans...are so un-bitchy (though this generalization depends on the band). *-* Nagoya fans are a bit timid, but friendly. Tokyo fans...well, let's not talk about them.

There was this really tall chick...who blocked my view of everyone except for Reo. Heh. Yusuke was behind these double-speakers. Junji was behind Yusuke & the mistiness. Hazuki faded in and out of view. Asanao was basically invisible (did you know that he's my hero? he doesn't try to be all cool in the sc24 comment, just doing his own thing. haha.). Good shot of Reo the entire time. Though both Reo & Yusuke came forward a lot, and Hazuki would grab the ceiling and reach over the crowd. The sucky thing about the venue is that it's so low. The band was just a bunch of bobble heads. I couldn't even see their instruments. Nevertheless, it was still great fun being 8 rows back...dead in front of Yusuke & Junji, who were like parallel w/ each other on stage. DDD: Why couldn't they play at Namba ROCKETS again?! ARGH!! Or even like Fan J-twice or 2ndLine...those have higher stages. [edit uno]: The president of FACE Music owns Nishikujo Brand New, and prb gave lynch. a discount for being buddies w/ Sadie. Reo is a penny-pincher.

Dunno if they could bring all their effectors on stage. Maybe Nagoya will get more new versions cuz all their equipment is there. I noticed that for some songs...they didn't change so much, like "alien tune" or "unknown lost a beauty"...but the differences were very apparent for "vernie", "lizard", and "the whirl". *_______* I really like all the songs where Hazuki vocalizes: "the whirl", "forgiven", & "unnamed acoustic track". They played them in that order.

When Hazuki vocalizes for a long period, I feel like my heart just stops...arresting, halting, whatever you wanna call it. And he likes to rub his head w/ his forearms while his hand are in a praying pose. Also, "melt" & "lizard" basically go hand-in-hand w/ each other. Couldn't hear his slurping sound. X3 Yea...and I've figured out why he wraps his mic cord around his arm so's so if he drops it, the mic will hang off his arm. Haha.

Since this time, I got a lot of Reo viewage...I noticed that he's really funny on stage. XDDD~ He's in his lil Reo zone on the kamite side, and he makes funny mouth movements and he kinda rock-shimmies to his own music. It's rather cute. Also, too bad lynch. only has 1 acoustic'd be nice to hear Reo or even Yusuke pluck a tune. Junji. Junji. Junji. I actually went through the trouble of writing him a letter, and I put it in their enquette box...and I'll give them their enquette at the Countdown w/ another letter about their CD & live digest. He's so short...or maybe I'm so short. I could barely see his hair. D: How sad. I couldn't even see his solo during "unknown~"

During the MCs, Hazuki was slurring his speech and being super-mumbly; but it seemed to be on purpose to seem cool. But he can get away w/ it. Yay! Osaka!! During the 2nd encore, Hazuki told everyone that the customers in the izakaya downstairs were complaining about their dishes rattling. XDDD~ Well, when you have hundreds of fans jumping up and down continuously...that's bound to happen. I would also imagine that the building would shake cuz it's directly under the JR loop line.

The show was only about 2hrs...fairly short, but heaps of songs cuz they're short too. I think Hazuki should just give up on the English. There are a lot of parts he just skips over when he sings anyway. What's the point? I'm sure he can say everything better in Japanese...and I could understand it better as well. So, I'm not going to Nagoya. Not going to Tokyo. Next lynch. show is on 12/, almost 2mo. Let's hope I'm awake enough for their set. I don't wanna be like strung out on energy drinks and booze. That sounds scary. ._. I'm excited though!!! Going to concerts really lifts my mood. :)

[edit dos]: from lysalie28 -
cell phone→SoftBank Panasonic 705P in white

wallet→heart-embossed long wallet from 300yen store...I'll buy a nice one when I have money again.

car→the ones at home

glasses→NineWest black-rimmed emo glasses

perfume→Fragonard ARIELLE


body soap→Dove (cucumber)

face wash→Missha Rose Water

shoes→Adidas sneakers




fishing rod→n/a




medicine→Imodium AD for upset stomachs

muffler→gray/white/gold houndstooth shawl thing I got at the 300yen store, that totally kicks those 3,000yen ones' asses.


mascara→Maybelline - GREAT LASH

ring→Vivienne Westwood

cell phone strap→lynch./girugamesh/Sadie

pillow→Usagi-san from the Domo-kun series

necklace→platinum chain that used to belong to my grandmother

watch→they've all run outta battery


convenience store→FamilyMart*coughs*

tea→milk tea


are you in love?→in love w/ the world! *-*

planner→my 100yen-for-3 notepads that tells me to "please take notes", on my 2nd one already

piercings→2 in each ear, I want at least 3 more in my lobes

color of your underwear→today it's green


type of underwear→100% cotton

ideal person→someone who can endure all my faults; it's easy to love someone for their good points

alcohol→Kahlua milk/Baileys, coconut rum

sunglasses→RALPH black w/ white detailing

video game→n/a

type that you like→crazy/scary

...haven't done a survey in a long time.

[edit tres]:
大阪おつかれ。 リアルに疲れた!
Thank you, Osaka. I'm really tired! [tn: play on words for "thank you" = otsukare & "tired" = tsukareta. ]

But it was awesome, huh?

The izakaya below seems to have complained before, but never about plates dropping and breaking. Haha.

The stuff of legends. You guys really did it.

It was the first day of our onemans, but you guys really showed us your passion. Seeing your happy faces made me somewhat relieved. Thank you.

さて 次はホーム名古屋ね。
Well, the next show is in our hometown, Nagoya.

We should come determined. That's what I thought when I saw Osaka yesterday.

There isn't an izakaya beneath Heartland, so rock as freely as you please. Haha.


Time to rest...
posted by lynch. at 19:55| 葉月 - Hazuki

葉月, live report, oneman, blog, lynch.

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