I've been watching quite a bit of late night visual kei TV recently...just cuz I have time now, and have finally figured out the channels and times and what not. I watched Visual Shock for the first time last night...and it made me wanna see AnCafe. Also, the new Serial Number song "Attention Please" has a funny pv...although the song isn't quite as catchy as "Goya! Number!"
Tonight, I caught West 21's Halloween episode w/ jealkb & LM.C as their guests. They did a bit of history of VK by having the 802 DJ talk a bit about the scene. Went through a timeline and some key terms...like bangyaru and saku. Things like that.
I take it it's an Osaka program though...cuz of the radio station and the concert dates. Also, there was a short interview comment section that took place outside Holiday Osaka. I dunno when, but it was definitely after an UnsraW show (maybe from the 26th) cuz Super Yuuki Fan & Super Shou Fan made comments. O________O As soon as I saw Super Shou Fan, I was sure Super Yuuki Fan would follow...and I was RIGHT!!!
WWWWWTTTTTTTHHHHH?!!!?!? Was going though my head. They were talking about visual kei, and I suppose...it's good points and why they follow it and what not. Well, whatever can fit into their 10sec sound bite. But dude, they're seriously like UnsraW Otome. They're so dainty & cute...polished & squeaky clean. I smile at them, and they smile back...or at least the Super Yuuki Fan does. :) They're super cute. And no. That does not make me a lesbian. I can judge a girl to be cute w/o being attracted to them...the same way I can judge boys. It's called assessment. Yes.
But duuuuude...they were on TV, and they prb didn't even see themselves cuz it's only on Osaka TV. o________O Duuuuuuuuuuude. They were chosen cuz they're cute and were demachi-ing at the right time. I'm almost certain they go to every show, but they aren't always saizen. Super Shou Fan has been in it lately since their jouren aren't around, but I've never seen Super Yuuki Fan in it. Maybe it'd overwhelm her to be so close to him. *-* She must be like half his size. I dunno why, but it almost amuses me to see these girls freak out over those boys. ^3^
And this is how I spent my Halloween night.
...and what is up w/ the rumor on 2ch about UnsraW having an instore in Osaka? It's really bugging me cuz I'm almost believing it's true, but there's no proof or anything. Fuck. Stupid 2ch. Making me think retarded thoughts.
edit: Aki...has
special picks now. Yes. Take a gander. Laugh a little. Laugh a lot. I'm so commenting on them when I see their 2-days oneman in Osaka. I sure am. Uh huh. Yup. Fuck. Ugly.