
Oct 02, 2007 00:56

Fall is upon us.
Getting cooler.
Getting rainy.
Getting darker.

...I changed my LJ themes. I think I should change the icon tool images too. They look awkward on non-white.

Here are the supposed lyrics to lynch.'s "pulse_":

速効イキそうin skip


wets in partys

It's partys
way soul take my baby
rave it's soul tail my baby
way it's soul take my baby

lust of god

...it's the bonus track from "greedy dead souls"...I'm glad I can finally see some semblance of lyrics for the song. It's gonna be re-recorded, so official lyrics will be printed w/ it. They play this song at nearly every live. I guess lynch. can do that since quite a few of their songs are well under the 3min mark.

Gonna see them on 10.08 - 2man w/ Sadie. Who is apparently, romanizing their name now? lynch. vs Sadie: The Avoided to Bullet I'm so giving them shit for that name. Reo being all concerned about his wasei-eigo. =_= And Mao says "bullet" like...buh-let, and not boo-let. It's funny. Anyone who hasn't watched their most recent OhKey video...needs to. It's like 1.5hrs long, but it's Sadie...dirty like we like them.

p.s. to those who care:

Yuuki got new piercings: a bar in his eyebrow and a labret piercing. So shiny. *_* Fresh, too. And instead of showing off his right ear, his hairstyle showcased his left ear...which appears to have some ice adorning it now. Yea. Wtf is buying him this expensive stuff?

My neck and upper back are still in pain; I can feel it when I'm at work. But it was fun!! I stood next to a "neu" fan all the way up to UnsraW. Then, I asked to switch places w/ her since she was more center. So, I got to be 2nd row behind Shou fan...yet again. I hope she doesn't hate me. I can't help knocking into her. D: Entrance as normal...except I was a bit weirded out by how girly Tetsu's poses were.

And Yuuki came out w/ blood trickling out of his mouth. Damn. No acid face. I think his perverted act is getting a bit old. ;_; He's trying too hard to be perverted...and when it gets to that point, it's just not sexy. o-o Kinda how like Manson tries to shock ppl, but nothing he does shocks ppl anymore cuz they go "Oh, it's Manson...it's what he does." Also, he kinda sat in the crowd for a bit...Muse staff always has to be ready for when he jumps in. I'm not sure how many bottles he went through, but I saw quite a few girls sporting bottles after the show. :)

Jun got to lie down on the stand for quite a long time. And Tetsu spent some time mingling w/ Shou for some reason...during -9-. Haha. And Rai was super-smily.

1. Dust to Dust (it didn't feel like a long intro song this time)
2. Starving Moon (I'm liking it more and more)
3. -9- (good times)
4. Black Out (GOOD TIMES)

Nagoya had a pretty good setlist too. Shou's entry made Osaka sound bad. D:
3 more shows in the upcoming 1.5mo.

...I would like to hear Maria again, sometime. That and Holy Sink. Next show is 10.18 at Esaka MUSE. They were selling tickets at the goods table...and Yukie handed me #005. Yea. That's like 145 tickets better than what I could have gotten through Likea. But #256 was sitting on the top, when I first passed by it. But then when she was trying to make the tickets look good, she said that tickets #5 & #6 were in there. Haha. So, I figured "Hey, why not?" She just pulled from the bottom, and gave it to me. Not randomized...they just stacked them in descending order, I suppose. Esaka bar is good. I actually like Esaka MUSE; I think it has a wider stage.

Anyway, UnsraW fans are warming up to me w/ each live...and I'm being chatted up by strangers. Good sign? I dunno. Oh yea, right before UnsraW came on...2 huge ko-akuma gyarus dove right to my right. And just made themselves 2nd row. O_O I think they wanna fuck Yuuki. *shrug* And what else is new? But I felt bad for the girls who were originally standing next to me. D: We were all like "Ehhhh?!"...but w/ our eyes. Same w/ the girls to my left. Awkward. It's Japan. No one will start a fight. But those girls didn't really start any shit. And the purple haired girl w/ the surface piercings on her face, who was originally standing beside me...got Rai's bottle. So, karma. :)

I think they're slacking on the polaroids. Write some shit down. Or draw a piece of shit. Whatever.

Other bands I saw were:

1. beaU - who suck a little less, but still suck...but they're funny.
2. Anubis - held together by Emiru's bananas and sparkly shit...the singer looks like he's a 10-year-old out of rehab, cute though...and the kamite guitarist has thighs.
3. Siva - who I like MORE & MORE!! I don't know why. Maybe I'm just trying to replace NeGa's fail as of late.
4. U n s r a W
5. neu - has Nono in it. And even though I stood at the back of Muse to watch their set, like last time at Area. I still wanted to shoot him in the face. All in all, they're trying to be AnCafe. The singer seems different from before. Like a Takuya-face, but w/ Miku-style.
6. Versailles - O______O I missed their SE cuz I was filling out UnsraW's enquette at the time. But when I heard them, I quickly handed it off to Yukie. I'm not sure if I even finished writing it. (_ _) But yea...Kamijo is no longer the Bonjour Honey! of the past. They're actually pretty good. I just feel like it's a bunch of competing egos though. Aren't they like a super band? Their costumes are so freakishly elaborate. I was staring at the butterfly atop Jasmine YOU's head for like the whole set. X_X And of course, Hizaki...who is NOT as cute as stock photos. But still pretty. The shimote guitarist fades... Kamijo makes a hot vampire. And he knows it. Seeing them at Muse, almost...almost made me wanna see them on 10.31. But I'm hella not going to that show. Versailles gives me a D feeling. Lotsa dramatics. Lotsa ego. But good.
7. Kibouya Honpo - I've been making a habit of leaving before the shuusai-band. Heh. At this time, most of UnsraW's fans were waiting outside...aside from Jun fan, who was chatting up the stalwart goods girl.

I decided to meet up w/ Kirtland a bit earlier, since I didn't really wanna see Kibouya. It was 9pm...went to El Hafez to eat Middle Eastern food of YUM!! But it was a bit pricey. So I won't be going back there any time soon. It was raining. Went back to Muse to see if demachi was still going on. Kaori was there, and said that they had already left. She had that expression of D: cuz I missed them. It was okay, I didn't intend on demachi-ing that night, let alone...in the rain. I just thought I'd check to see. I saw beaU though. Lucky me.

Shit. I totally jinxed myself w/ what I said about lynch. not having new goods all the time. They JUST updated w/ 4 new things: tour t-shirt, sticker set, phone strap, and interview files. =-=

1. 「involve the universe」ツアーTシャツ NEW
【価格】 各¥2,800(tax in)
150サイズ(身丈:60cm 身巾:43cm)
S サイズ(身丈:66cm 身巾:49cm)
M サイズ(身丈:70cm 身巾:52cm)

2. ステッカーセット(5枚入り) NEW 
【価格】 ¥1,000(tax in)

3. 携帯ストラップ(白) NEW
【価格】 ¥800(tax in)

【価格】 ¥1,500(tax in)
メンバー全員による『THE AVOIDED SUN』曲解説+機材紹介

...where's the hoodie? It's getting cold; Sapporo is cold. ¥6,100. Yea. Thanks. And Junji? Where is the chubster in all of this?! XO

[edit uno]: http://www.mediafire.com/?fdjsz09jqtd = SUICIDE ALI's 3rd, 4th, & 5th singles...I'm missing their 2nd and 6th ones. Fuckers.

[edit dos]: "pulse_" lyrics from THE BURIED







goods, lyrics, unsraw, live recap, lynch.

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