HK pics

Aug 30, 2006 13:13

Finally...after passing into their 3rd computer, they've finally reached the bowels of George. Here are some select pictures:

Jessica says, "We're in Hong Kong!!!"

Why hello there, one of many VW stores in HK! T-T With your cute sale staff boys.

Karaoke-ing at Neway. The room was meant for 20, but we had 6 ppl. Each food or drink item was only 5HKD...that's less than $1. And OMG, HK food is so good & filling. That's my cousin, Phoebe, who has the voice of a god. It resonates so well. Too bad she has no stage presence, otherwise, she'd be totally in.

See? Awesomeness? We had the tomato-flavored soup of love. And the dipping sauce was awesome too.

On the train to Disneyland. Notice the Mickey-fication of it.
That's my sister, some white kid, my aunt, some kid, some lady, and my 2 cousins.

My aunt and I, her daughter is in we didn't get a chance to see her.

So many umbrellas.

The train that we didn't get to ride, cuz my cousin totally fainted right when we reached the gate.

Here is the Magical Alice who can lip sync Cantonese. It was really amusing watching her do it too, cuz she was hella into it. Fun times.

This is inside the Buzz Lightyear ride. Laser guns!

Ooh, the tri-lingual safari ride. Very amusing.

Our Winnie the Pooh ride photo. They TOTALLY tell you when they're gonna take the pic at the very beginning of the ride. There's a big 1-2-3, then flash. My mom & sis totally missed it. We had totally planned the pose and everything. -_- I'm the only one doing it, and they're both looking at me like I'm outta my mind.

My dad and the Flamenco ppl.

My mom and the Flamenco ppl.

Here we are on my dad's elementary school friend's boat. Just chillin'. Whut?

I'm cutting that lamb chop as seriously as possible. =_=
Why are our ears so different? o_O

The captain of the ship was also the bbq chef of heaven. Everything tasted so good, and then we had wings to top it all off. Don't you just wanna eat them?

Commandeering the ship.

My sister being herself.

I found meself some pirates.

Here's me in the hotel hallway w/ my mom's elementary school friend.

Here's my mom...thinking she has what it takes to be a Singapore Airlines flight attendant. Eh?!

...I have so much to blog about, but no time. Online classes crashing on top of me, and there's already assignments due. Bullshit. It's Yan Min's bday today, and I pbb can't make it to wherever they're having it. But I wish you lotsa alcohol and absolutely no Asian glow whatsoever.

Eb IMed me to tell me that the Cal population has an increased # of cute guys now. WTF! I truly was born beneath a black star. Pbb Pluto...which has been demoted. It's just getting worse and worse. Also, I just finished reading NANA ch61 yesterday...and it has been one of the best chapters so far. Only because so much happens...and it's so FORWARD moving! Ugh. Plot, stop chugging along...and just get to steppin'. If anyone wants it, I'll upload it for you. It's by LoveNANA4Ever, not Takoyakis.

Here's to me avoiding my life.

nana, hk, vivienne westwood, food, photos, karaoke

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