Good evening, everyone (゜▽゜)/
As always, thank you for your comments♪♪
Monday has a kind of melancholy feel, doesn't it.
What is this feeling, all of a sudden? (laugh)
When I was in school and Sazae-san would start, it gave me a feeling like "Sunday is endingー I have school starting tomorrowー" (laugh)
How about everyone else?
But now it doesn't matter what day it is, I practice hard every day (o^v^o)
Going to practice is fun, so today shouldn't feel melancholyー!!
Quiet down! I'm bummed out!
Sorry for thinking like that.
You should say what you want to say
Keep working hard this week, okay (>▽<*) like that! (laugh)
I'm sorry my blog is starting to make no sense.
If you're not sure how to say something you want to say, learn new words! (laugh)
Here's a cellphone pic with Kouhei☆
As always, this has been Kido Yuya~(^O^)/
Original post:
here Translation note: Sazae-san is an anime series that's been running since 1969 and has appriximately a bajillion episodes.
If you're thinking something like, "Wow, this entry doesn't make any sense," I'm right there with you. And apparently so is Yuya. He's kind of all over the place sometimes...
I think I've finally settled into my school routine, so hopefully I will actually be able to catch up on translating... although I say that every time...