Sep 29, 2005 21:51

well, was just molested over msn, dick and timbzy nudging me everywhere. i feel violated. whoever invented that should be killed.

i will start today with my ipod. sent it away for repairs yesterday. was a bit anxious about sending it so i rang apple to double check everything. and as it turned out, i was told the wrong info, my ipod sent away with a wrong dispatch number, so there was no way of apple knowing it was my ipod or where to send it back to. was uber pissed. i rang apple again today (they closed yesterday), and spoke to four different people, and hopefully it is sorted out. the 'arrivals' section has been notified, and when they get it they are going to ring me, hopefully. if not, they are liable for it cause i was given the wrong info about postage (as the words of qld post). i still have my serial number, original receipt, ipod packaging, postage receipt, and copy of the postage thing it was sent to, so i should be alright. if worse comes to worse, i will just have to buy a nano (4gb that is), or a normal ipod. bummer.

had my first shift at north side the other day *does north side sign language thing* SO BORING! it is hard but cause the store has a shit layout and makes it difficult to get the orders out quickly. they will go easy on me but cause i am new, just three more shifts there and all will be back to normal.

downloaded about 50 Edgar Allan Poe poems today, "the raven" is so hot...

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortals ever dared to dream before;
But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token,
And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, "Lenore!"
This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, "Lenore!"-
Merely this, and nothing more.

isn't it good?! it is three pages long so slack to put the lot here.

started hearing voices the other day, piano was being annoying last night too. banging, random playing (well one note, once), i think it has something to do with the new game i have "eternal darkness", god it is so cool when the character falls through the floor, explodes and the walls start bleeding. good game.

still waiting for albums to come out: him, within temptation, tatu. getting very shitty with leading edge. decided to burn once and century child (nightwish) for bel, slack to make a mix. both cd's are good on their own anyway.

gonna make some icons tonight for lj. made an extremely sexy gif the other night of a res evil zombie, but it was 80kb *tear*, oh well.

well can't think of anything else, so will get to making these gifs.

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