Jul 29, 2008 12:55
Name: Tetra
Age: 10-12ish, estimated, don't hold me to that, etc.
Height: Pff everyone and everything is out of proportion and b'duh in Wind Waker; that Tetra is a kid makes this even worse. Um. Probably somewhere within two-three feet, maybe a little over three if you count her super bun.
Weight: If your character can lift kids, then he/she can lift Tetra if they can avoid getting stabbed for trying
Medical Info: Surprisingly, she's pretty much perfectly healthy. No signs of scurvy or any other sailing/pirating related cliche disease to be found.
Eyes: Blue! Well, they are in-game anyway. Official art would have you thinking they're purely black.
Hair: Very yellow blonde. She's also got a seashell looking bun (which is ALWAYS exaggerated in art, always) and the bits that hang down are shaped like LIGHTNING BOLTS to show how HARDCORE she is. Lightning hangs from her FACE people. YEAH.
Physical Traits: Her skin is consistently tan unless she's wearing a dress. Yes, really. For some reason, going "Princess Zelda mode" makes the tan vanish and it's just normal white skin. Her clothes include a dark blue vest, lavender tank top (or so I assume, the vest never comes off), white capris, and a red belt that looks like it's just fabric tied around her waist a lot. She's got sandals for her feet, random white cloth wrapped around her wrists, and a curved dagger in a brown and gold-tipped hilt at her waist.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: I'm taking Tetra from after Phantom Hourglass so nothing from that or Wind Waker will surprise her; she knows already. Calling her Zelda or Princess or any form/combination of those words will get you kicked; feel free to do it, but just know that you will get her really annoyed at you in the process. |D Telling her she's from a video game and things similar to that will probably get you a "what's a videogame?" response, and even if you manage to explain THAT properly it's still likely that she won't believe you.
Abilities: LIGHT ARROWS AND WISDOM. Yes, Tetra is a very competent archer, as Zelda incarnations tend to be, and can remain level-headed in almost any situation. She is also an accomplished sailor, a respectable captain, and a skilled catapult-launcher (or so she assured Link before splattering him on the wall of a pig-infested doom fortress but he lived! so it was okay). Her agility and jumping abilities are almost silly; she was able to jump up, latch onto the chest/shoulder area of a guy 6-7 feet tall, and when he managed to knock her off she landed perfectly on her feet like she had been intending to jump back anyway. She tends to recover from knock-outs pretty quickly, too.
Notes for Psychics: Oceans... oceans... oceans as far as the eye can see... Tetra is an adventurer who will go where the wind takes her!! so a lot of what is beyond her "what I am thinking about right at this moment" stuff will be similar to that. You'll also find lots of thoughts geared toward treasure, profit, pirating, ANGER AT HER CREW FOR THE SITUATION SHE'S IN RIGHT NOW, Link, oceans, lololprincesses, things to that effect. She is also on a mission to find the land that will be "YOUR LAND!!" aka new! Hyrule because the other one is kind of. Under the sea. So you may find some of that in there too.
Shapeshift/Bodyswap/Foolish Attempt At Injury?: Absolutely! Just ask first, there is high potential for the "kicks and giggles" here. o/
Maim/Murder/Death: I'd prefer to avoid drama soooo probably not unless it's for teh lulz. If you've got something in mind, feel free to poke me about it.
Cooking: The ship has an advanced hydraulics system, but no oven. =/ At best, she could probably fire-cook something? Yeah, I doubt she's got any real cooking skill beyond what's needed to survive on the ocean for months at a time.