It's National Running Day!
Just five months ago, I HATED running. Seriously hated it. Yesterday, while browsing my LJ, I ran across
two posts I made in January--before I started running. One mentions how much I hated running. The other mentions how I need to "lose this stubborn 30 lbs."
I've worked out for two hours per day (M-F) for years, but I've never been a runner. One day in January, I decided it was time to keep up with all my skinny, fit friends. I started running, a 1/10 of a mile at a time, alternating with walking until I could run a mile. One day...and it's never been this easy since...I discovered I'd run three effortless miles. That day, I decided I'd call myself a runner.
This weekend, I'm running my first 10K (I did a few 5Ks in the spring) and in January, I'll do the Disney Half Marathon. (If you've been hanging around my blog, you already know all this stuff. Sorry for the repeats!) Oh, and I lost that 30 pounds...32 to be exact!
My point: If I can do this, so can YOU! Running or run/walking is good for you. Start slowly. It's okay to walk.
If running is not your thing, how about joining us for the
100 Push Up Challenge? We're doing 100 consecutive push ups by mid July. All the cool kids are doing it!!!
Me with my trainer after the Trolley Run in KC, playing around and showing off our muscles :-)