(no subject)

Oct 31, 2005 20:13

I LUV YA SAMMI!!!!! (i dont know how to change the font....so thats as big as its going to be sorry....lol)

so i decided for whatever reason i didnt want to do anything this weekend...so i just played video games, all in all it was ok obviously not great cause i didnt do anything but i geuss i just wanted to be alone...anyways work...plain and simple i need a new job, i need to get off my ass and go find a new one, but i dont want to for whatever reasons which im pretty stupid cause bob evans is just screwin me over in hours and everything and im sick of it i got a huge 9 hours this week which will equal like $70 what the heck and im going to do with $70, that doesnt even pay my smallest bill being my nextel bill, so ya i defiently need a new job, anyone know of anyone hire where im actually going to get hours and get paid well let me know cause i need something, pretty sure i want out of the restuarant crap though, but i dont know no one seems to want to hire me in sales and that side of the job life...lol, o well ill find something sooner or later

i want to go see saw 2...who wants to go see it with me?
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