Player Name: Kae
Age: 24
Timezone: GMT +8
Personal Journal:
izkarioteContact Information:
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Email: zaghiel@yahoo.com
Name: Laura Kinney (X-23)
Age: 15-17 years old; she actually doesn’t know herself
Gender: Female
Fandom: Marvel Comics
Timeline: Right after the NYX: Wannabes
Here and
here, if you guys still need more info!
Character Personality: The first thing that people will notice about Laura is how incredibly calm and quiet she is… she is so quiet, so short on words, in fact, that some may get the wrong impression and come to believe that she’s mute or otherwise incapable of verbal communication, much less making any sort of noise on her own. In reality, though, because of the way she was “trained” (raised), Laura simply does not feel the need to speak unless it is absolutely necessary. She will very rarely go out of her way to put her in her own input on things.
Laura is also rather taciturn, and incredibly intense - there is this weighty aura about her, something that betrays how young she is, and she acts, for the most part, like a veteran of some old war that hasn’t ever really recovered from being on her toes 24/7, ready to fight or flee at the soonest moment. She is not grim, per se, but she is not exactly friendly; she is pretty much distant from all other people, getting close to them only if she needs to be. In reality, though, this could be pinned less on her being antisocial and more on her simply being socially awkward. She can slip into any role that is required of her during a mission, but acting autonomously is still a concept that she is only learning to get used to now.
People who do come around and attempt to get to know Laura, however, will quickly learn that she is still very much a young girl at heart, with good intentions at the end of the day - she was treated horrendously in her youth, dehumanized and forced to become something that no person should ever be forced to become, got mixed up in bad crowds several times over, and is now trying to get on her feet to sort things out and find her way. There are a lot of unresolved issues in her yet, and she is still very much unused to thinking of herself not as a soldier that lives only for the mission but as a human being with human needs, but she knows better than to take it out on other people… the trouble only really starts when she starts taking it out on herself.
Character Abilities: Appearances can be incredibly deceiving, and that works to Laura’s advantage in all situations. Having been a genetically modified clone on Wolverine and having been trained as a killing machine, she is, on most counts, perfect, at least on the physical level of things… for one, she’s a step above human in terms of stamina, agility, durability and reflexes - she may not be super strong, but she can probably make up for it in speed. Her senses are also honed to a tee, closer to an animal’s than a human being - her sight and sense of smell may, at times, make her seem more like a wolf or a similar creature than anything else, on that level.
Like the man she was patterned after, Laura’s skeleton has retractable bone claws in each arm and one in each foot that she can extend and retract at will… she can unsheathe any number of these claws at one go, but her wrists or feet must be set straight the moment they emerge. Furthermore, the scientists who created her coated these bones with adamantine, making them even more lethal than they already are. With these claws, she can cut through most types of flesh and natural materials.
Laura’s true value, though, relies in the fact that she was trained as a living weapon, with a sound mind for strategy and extensive covert ops knowledge from the use of weapons, to assassination techniques, to how to get in and out of most combat situations quickly with the best possible outcome. She’s a master martial artist, enabling her to maximize the use of her natural weaponry.
Character Weaknesses: Laura’s canon has pointed out that she is weak towards energy blasts, and perhaps certain types of sorcery as well. She can shake off most physical attacks without too much difficulty, but she was never really built or trained to deal with things form a more supernatural end of the scale.
It’s also important to emphasize that while Laura surpasses human beings in terms of physical prowess, she is probably not as indestructible when it comes to pitting her against monsters, supernatural creatures and the like. Superhuman, yes, but STILL human, with human vulnerabilities - it’ll take a lot to bring her down, yes, but she can still go down, and easily so, depending on how the opponent swings it.
Another thing to note is that psychological conditioning is not exactly perfect… weapon as she is, Laura is still a person deep down inside, and, more specifically, a young girl whose childhood has been taken away from her in the most brutal of fashions. She has great difficulty breaking out of the mentality of a soldier and her dependence on the idea of a mission - this may make her amoral when it comes to fighting, unless someone can reign her in and counter her battle logic, which is fatal to all enemies involved and perhaps even harmful to her comrades, with their own. Morality is something she is only beginning to learn how to understand, and it’s going to take a whole lot of things to beat the war out of Laura’s eyes and make her realize that she’s just a girl who needs to live for herself, and for the good of other people.
Why your character should be a Weapon: Laura is a follower, never a leader - she is, in fact, the “perfect” follower in essence, one who will take orders without question and execute them regardless of her personal feelings. She may even be TOO perfect at times, making it a point to compensate for any failings her Meister may have in order to perform the mission within the given timeframe with the given requirements as flawlessly as possible.
Furthermore, given the way she was trained and raised, it seems unlikely that she could ever take responsibility for another person in the way that a Meister is expected to. She is probably totally incapable of it.
What is your character's Weapon form?: Laura takes the form of a pair of black gloves that can be worn over the hands of her Meister of choice - the gloves can retract up to three claws each, and can extend as far as six inches. They are attached together by a chain that can extend as far as a meter - the Meister controlling Laura can adjust it according to his or her needs.
Soul Description: Strong, subtle, calm, lethal, enduring, intense
Soul Appearance: Laura’s soul is emerald green in color, the exact same shade as her eyes, and there are heavy chains wrapped around the whole sphere - it may seem rather small, at first, but the aura it projects is remarkably intense, and the kind that makes its presence very clear in spite of how deceptive its appearance is. This intensity, however, lies beneath a very serene exterior… most may miss it, at first, at least until Laura starts duking it out with her opponents at the moment. Her soul is also quite literally prickly to plain sight because it often crackles with excess energy, and it occasionally has claw-like protrusions shooting out from the sphere.
I’ve tried figuring out Laura’s age, but there aren’t a lot of conducive links to it… I also don’t remember it being directly alluded to in the comics I have read. As such, I’ve left it vague.