Mar 06, 2006 09:23
so i woke up early enough to make it to my 9am class on time. the only thing is that my professor pulled me aside to talk about how many times i've showed up late. he also mentioned that i should have reviewed his attendance policy. and that i should have been aware that everytime i came in late counted as a half of an absence. and we're only allowed 5 absences before we fail the class. so all those times i came in 5-10 minutes late has accumulated on top of a few times i didn't make it to class. i even told him that there was a death in my family (which isn't completely false) but he didn't seem to give a shit. the problem with people like this is that they are too fucking self-righteous to even begin to understand a person's individual situation. all he cares about is that his students are disciplined. he doesn't seem to care that i've been disciplined enough to drive my ass an hour out of my way so i can attend a fucking school where the professors only care about fucking funding. forget that i'm scoring an okay grade in his class. forget that i'm the only one who participates in his lectures. forget that i actually care about what i'm learning rather than just worried about passing a quiz. forget all that shit. because nothing matters when you're 10 minutes late. the real problem here is that he wouldn't have to be like that if he didn't want to be. other professors don't make a big deal out of attendence and being late. just him. just because he can.