Jul 17, 2005 00:07
so not much is new as my life is pretty boring but there are a couple things anew so here goes:
warped was okay but i got SCORCHED...like blisters and the whole nine.
so excited for three concerts coming up. Sounds of the Underground on the 26th. then System and Mars Volta, and NIN with Queens of the Stone Age. Assuming I'm in town for NIN. If I miss them again I will hang myself. I just don't know when I'm going back east for work yet and I'm hoping its not at the same time. Who knows maybe Cara will splurge for concert tickets in T.O. to entertain me. riiiiight.
So my LITTLE BROTHER got engaged last week. CRAZY!!! Weddings July of next year. Sign #12,149 that I need to get my shit together. Happy for them both thought, they're super excited.
It was Christopher's birthday yesterday and I've been playing phone tag with him. Gotta get downtown for more than just concerts every once in a while.
Parents finally know about the tattoos. A year and a half later. Hahaha, and the horrible thing is it took my brother's friend accidentally saying something about them. Oh well, me and my mom had "the talk" today and all is well. I'll just have to tell them ahead of time before any new ones.
In COMPLETELY unrelated news Jesse stopped by work the other day and left a note saying his station was under construction or something but would be finished within the week and he needed to talk to me. Eeeeeeeee...pain. He got some absolutely insane ass needles in and me and Nick both offered to feel it. We'll see if we can do it or not. 49 (?) magnum, the thing is literally about an inch and a quarter wide. I think I'll sleep on my stomach that night.
Ummm, I think that's all I really have at least for now. Other than I am always tired and need to find a night job to make some more cashola. Maybe I'll just hit up 5 corners and see what I get offered. Seriously, I mean like "WILL WORK FOR FOOD" style.