Feb 23, 2006 02:14

Tonight I was at EMOS and hanging out and got approached about working at the new Beauty Bar here In austin(same owners as the NYC one) So im like fuck it would be so much fun to work there, they have some special events happening during SXSW which would be fun and I could make a shit ton of extra money. The Catch is I already have to jobs which include UCHI and Diesel. On top of that I have school also. So ya I don't know what to do? anyways besides that, I have been trying to figure out when I can go back to NYc between school and work. Debating on what to do since my lease is up and I found the most amazing place in Clarksville, but Im not sure if im staying here in austin or moving after this summer again. TO much is on my plate right now, and i don't know what to do. I don't want to spread my self thinner than I have already done. we will see where life takesd me these next few months. Wish me luck!
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