As the subject states, I HAVE FINISHED THE MEME. Yeah, the one I said I do way back when? I don't blame you if you don't remember it.
doctaj, there's no excuse. None whatsoever, which, by the way, sounds familiar. I think it's inspired by
nougatpowered :D Because if you head over to her lj, you pretty much find the same thing, except better results.
For Meg: Er...I don't know if you've watched FMA...argh...
Jules: I know what you're thinking...
Ceresi: He looks sort of ... stoned...sorrrrr~rry!!!!
Narcis Dreams is down. *eye twitch* My host advertises that they are up 99% of the time, so I guess this is the 1% huh, and I'm not even through my 30 days trial period yet. Maybe it's 99% by the week. The technician's answer was filled with incorrectly spelled words, so either they're working hard over there or some cat is walking across the keyboards. *sighs* I'm still pissed. If this is the way it's going to be, maybe I should just cancel it. Anyone has good experiences with hosts that aren't too expensive? I was looking at again...
It's really been boiling down here these last few days. I feel like my skin wants to throw up. So I'm locked in my room with the air conditioner on, watching the little kids with health jumping, running, and generally going insane outside.
rageprufrock's recent
Hikago fic but only if you're not disturbed by OgaHika. I have a fetish for OgaHika, even though I know it's pedophiling...sort of.
Oh yeah, I think Howl's real hot. *dies*