Through talking to both my parents and hearing stories from various sources, I have heard of many stories in which a
cheap viagra has failed to diagnose a condition or know something that they should have found or known. An example is my mom having pneumonia (a long time ago now), but when she went into the doctor's office he simply told her she was fine and, when she went in for the second time in less than a week, prescribed her oral antibiotics (because her lung sounds were clear). However, she ended going to the ER because she felt so bad, and they had to put her on multiple strong IV antibiotics and she was in the hospital for several weeks. Another example is someone I know who was (properly) given a blood thinning drug, but the
cialis did not recognize changes in his blood tests that were a simple side effect of the drug as being such (which could have potential to cause big problems if a doctor/medical professional is giving a drug they don't know very well).
That being said, when is it right to question the authority of a doctor or other medical professional? What defines when it is okay or not? When going to a doctor a person definitely has to put their trust in that doctor and his/her knowledge of medicine and respect them for that, but it is your body or that of a loved one that you may be concerned about. At what point or in what way would it become disrespectful of a doctor to question their authority, and how important of a consideration is this? What would you do if you thought a doctor was missing something important?
How should a doctor react if a person raises specific concerns about how they or their family member is being treated medically? How much should this depend on the manner in which they were approached, and should they allow it to change their treatment, particularly if the patient or family member brings up a valid point? How would you react, if you were a doctor?
I'm really curious to see what you guys think. I know I asked a lot of questions, so feel free to answer whichever ones you like.