Dec 20, 2007 16:56

1. Leave me a casual comment of no particular significance, like a lyric to your current favorite song, your favorite kind of sandwich, or maybe your favorite game. Any remark, meaningless or not.
2. I will respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. Include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in your own post.
5. When others respond with a desultory comment, you will ask them five questions.

My responses -

1. I remember friending you from the One Piece friending meme, but your Gumshoe icon indicates that you're into Phoenix Wright as well. Is Gumshoe your favorite character? If not, who is? OH YES, I do like some Phoenix Wright. :) Ehhhrr.. Gumshoe would definitely be high on the list. But I couldn't really say I have an all-time favourite, it's pretty much a toss up between Gumshoe, Phoenix, Franziska, Ron Delite, Edgeworth, Adrian, Maya, and, uh, everybody else. o_o

2. What's your dream profession? Well... I've always wanted to do something artsy. Or work with animals. Oh, well, actually; if I could have any profession at all, I'd like to work with reptiles(snakes in particular) at a wildlife park. That would be too awesome. But right now I'm aiming towards trying animation and seeing if that's something I'd like to do. But I guess I won't really know what I want to do as a career until I have some practical experience. :) So I'll just have to see what happens, and keep thinking about it. :P And doing something about it. Action. That's the part I usually falter at. D: Wow, long rambly answer much?

3. What do you find yourself doing without thinking when you're nervous? (I always find myself playing with my watch band D: ) Weeeell.. If I get nervous while I'm talking to someone (job interview, for example) I tend to bite my lip a lot and make weird facial expressions. XD

4. Do you like to travel? I LOVE TO TRAVEL. I love going places I haven't been. Even if it's not that far from home. Today I met a friend in the city for lunch, and where she works is kinda out of the way, and after we finished I just wandered around for an hour exploring. I found an art supply store,  a really nice smelling garden and a backpacker's house where they were playing Happy Feet loud enough that I could hear it from the other side of the road. But I suppose you meant more overseas sort of travelling, and the answer to that is also yes! :D There's tons of places I want to go.

5. What's one thing you'd want to try but are too afraid to do? (It can be anything from skydiving to...eating sushi. Anything :O) Uhhhhmmmm. Standing up to people. D: Moving overseas to study and work.  
Oo, and I may be moving out. Which would be awesome. MAN would I love to move out. I'm just a little nervous that my enthusiasm may be overshadowing my practical side, which is hyperventilating a little bit, because I have no idea what my uni schedule is going to be next year and how much I'll be able to work. And I've kind of made a commitment to these two girls who I'd be moving out with - one of them is already out of home, but her lease runs out in February, so it's important that we find a place soonish. But I guess I've got some savings that I can use if I need to. And we're only talking about a six month lease, to start off with.. So it should all be ok. *nervous tic*
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