Jun 12, 2006 11:28
I saw X-Men 3 and it wasn't that great. Even at matinee price it still wasn't worth the money.
The action in the movie was good and that' s the only thing that kept it from sinking into the sea of utterly disappointing movies.
**********Some spoilers ahead**********
1st- Halle Berry and the guy who plays Wolverine spent waaay to much time in front of the camera. This is supposed to be a movie about the X-Men not how Storm and Wolverine save the day. But I guess if you threaten not to appear in the movie unless you get a bigger role (like Halle Berry did) , than the producers will bow down to your demands. Too bad though, I like to think of the X-Men as a team, and I think they showed that well in the 1st two movies. But with this movie, that team spirit was dramatically reduced.
2nd - It seemed like they didn't know what to do with the Phoenix's character. It didn't mesh well with the over all plot involving Magneto and his goals. The Phoenix is supposed to be this awesomely powerful creature, but in one half of the movie all they did is portray her as some lusty vixen trying to have sex with Wolverine, then as a mentally and powerfully unstable mutant who was mainly utilized to kill off some of the main folks like the Professor and possibly Scott. Then she just stood around doing nothing for the other 1/2 of the movie.
Even in the end when Jean, in her Phoenix persona, decided to tear up Alcatraz it didn't feel like a smooth transition from Magneto's center stage perfomance to her's. It was like they threw her part in there as an after thought. I can just see the writers now, ready to pack up there material and put the finishing touches on the end of the movie, when it finally occurs to someone that Jean has been standing at Magneto's side for the longest time not doing anything. Then one writer turns to another, in 3-stooges fashion, pokes him in the eye and says "You know Chuck, you forgot to do something with that Phoenix dame. " Then the sudden rush to add something to the Alcatraz scene that would incorporate the Phoenix.
3rd- On the advertisement posters for X-Men 3 there's Wolverine, Storm, Jean, and Arc Angel . . . but why in the world did they have Arc Angel on these posters?! I mean He barely played any part in the movie! Seriously, if they had cut the few parts in the movie that he appeared in, it wouldn't have any affect on the movie. That's how insignificant he was.
4th- How could you kill off the Professor? That's crazy! And even though he transferred his conscious into someone else, his body is still dead. I think it was a bad move to do this.
And if they make another movie are they going to have this new guy playing the Professor? Personally, I don't want to see any other person playing Xavier other than that little bald guy formerly known as "Captain Jean Luc Pacard."
Here are some comments on the movie by other people that I had a chuckle over (the 1st is not so much a comment as it is a "what's something else the characters might say" :
Pyro: "I'm frying you now"
Iceman: "Ah ha! You fool. Behold, my new icy body armor that's too cold to be affected by fire"
Pyro: "Of course, how silly of me"
Army of Magneto: "Hey Magneto, why are you going through all the trouble of making a bridge from the mainland to the island when we're already all on the bridge?"
Magneto: "So its easier for the reinforcements with cure weapons to reach us"
Army of Magneto: "Of course, how silly of us."
Army of Magneto: "Hey Magneto, if we're just planning to kill everyone on the island, why don't we just drop the bridge on the entire island, say 5 or 6 times?"
Magneto: "Because that would require the same intelligent reasoning that made me warn Storm not to use lightning in the Statue of Liberty in the first film"
Army of Magneto: "Of course, how silly of us."
Army of Magneto: "Why are we facing six mutants when two of them are made of metal?"
Magneto: "In case one of them has to distract me later on"
Army of Magneto: "Why are we following you again?"
Juggernaut: "Why was I stopped by this wall?"
Kitty Pride: "Because you're a mutant now and Leech took away your powers just as you were running toward us."
Juggernaut: "So then why didn't I shrink back down to my normal size when I had my abilities taken away?"
Kitty Pride: "Because then you might have noticed something was wrong and done something about it."
Juggernaut: "Of course, how silly of me"
Angel: "Why am I in this film?"
Angel's Dad: "In order to save me using your mutant powers just in case three mutants decide to take time out of an epic battle against six mutants to put me in a situation that only a flying man could save me from."
Angel: "Uhhh...."
Angel's Dad: "Hush son. We're bonding."
POSTED BY: gmtimmons
DATE: May 27, 2006
Big disappointment
*mild spoilers ahead*
Sorry, I am a rather mild X-Men fan and loved the first 2 movies. But this one was bad. It was not that it deviated from any "story" but that it violated the concept. Mutants and comic book concepts are thrown in scattershot, with no attempt to detail what you are seeing and hearing. I would guess they came up with the stunts and effects they wanted to use then tried to mash any kind of story around it. The stunts and effects are very cool but any movie can do that now. Perhaps the biggest complaint I have is they "lose" both Cyclops and Prof X early in the movie to give a bigger role to Storm's character. Because Halle Berry complained she didn't have enough of one in the first two movies? There was a lot of potential here, squandered by a director with no vision for what he was making. I kept waiting for Prof X to say "Do you understand the thoughts coming outta my head?"