May 01, 2007 21:09
I am unofficially, officially out of school. I turned in my research papers last night and for all intensive purposes, I am finished! I was so overwhelmed with relief that I had tears running down my face as I filled out my class evaluation. I felt like a dumbass, but at the same time felt overwhelmingly proud and happy.
Tonight was the first night I got to just come home after work and make dinner. (Totally yummy chicken tortilla soup - Rachael Ray rocks!) Then DA and I went to look at washing machines because ours died on Saturday. After appliance shopping we came home and sat on our deck, on our porch swing and just soaked in the nice evening. Our yard is so beautiful and all the birds were singing. It is awesome to be able to notice that stuff.
I had a wonderful time this weekend. The birthday party was great and I loved the Patty Griffin concert. This weekend I am going to a Cinco De Mayo/Kentucky Derby party at Shelly's house. She left me a voicemail invite wherein she sang an entire verse of La Coca Racha (sp??)
Now to find a new job...