May 30, 2010 23:38

Consider this a lame attempt to resuscitate a long-dead journal and a so-called ability to write. That sentence alone took me a minute to compose. Spelling "resuscitate" alone took up 15 seconds of my time. It looked strange at first so I had to consult a legitimate reference. Thank God, I was right. (I wasn't part of the 4th grade spelling bee team for nothing)

Maybe I should start writing again and stop using "being too happy" as an excuse. I should be celebrating life with words as well, narrating experiences and sensations.

Now I have to figure out how and where to start because far too much has happened. For now, all I can say is "my life has been overwhelming but good."

P.S. I have to update my icons. I've become a fan of a lot of things in such a short amount of time.
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