The lack of wuhoos and hooplahs in my social life has led to the scarcity of personal albums in my Multiply account.
Not that my life isn't as eventful as it was. It's been quite the opposite actually, but my encounters have been with myself...and that can get really overwhelming.
Going back to the personal album hiatus issue, I noticed that I've been posting fangirl related entries lately as I'm always in front of the computer, looking at photos, watching videos and browsing through online communities.
I've been on an online frenzy for the past week(because my final days at work have begun) and after hundreds of hours of fangirling, I finally came upon THE photo that made me...
and everything else in between.
It's an old Gary Oldman-David Bowie-Edward Norton photo but who cares. It's made of so much win, awesomeness, talent and sexiness that it still deserves to be posted. Not even that watermark can stop these men from exuding their greatness.