Nov 16, 2006 15:03
Yay my new horse riding boots FINALLY came yesterday (that company is fucking useless, not only did they take 6 weeks to get here, the fucktards have sent me TWO pairs and charged me twice - not pleased!). I enthusiastically put all my kit on to try them out, walked into the living room to show daniel my poncy english horse rider gear, only for him to exclaim "oh my god you have a figure!!! Its a great figure, you should show it off more often!". This from the guy who sees me naked everyday - dur! I do feel rather pleased though that he thought I looked great in skin tight jodhpurs, I thought I was erring a bit on the old side for such clothes, even though they are kind of necessary for me to ride. Having said that I dont know why Im getting so paranoid about my figure, I still weigh the same as I did like 5 years ago and still fit into all the same old clothes. I put it down to getting old syndrome, I guess i just dont feel like I can compete with the 18 year olds anymore, which is silly cus there are plenty of fat 18 year olds around the place (especially in america!) and I do only look about 12. I really should be appreciating my figure all I can before I have kids and DO get old and fat and saggy : s Im just not sure if I can still pull off all the slut wear that I so used to enjoy wearing. Confidence is a strange thing indeed.
Tomorrow we are off to the wintery mountains of Idaho to stay with Daniels parents for "thanks giving" (what ever the hell that is anyways - must be good though cus I get free days off work). Im SO excited - its going to be COLD, like proper winter cold and theres going to be yellow and orange and red leaves falling from trees and mountains and I get to wear a proper coat and maybe even a woolly hat and gloves : ) It will be like england and I can cosey up to a fire and drink tea all proper : ) I wonder if they have roasted chestnuts out there too? Wow it will be so nice to have a little holiday and then when we come back its only like 3 weeks until we come home to england for Christmas with more cold and woolly hats.
Is it odd of me that Im craving woolly hats? Hmmmmmmmmmmm....