Jul 07, 2005 22:19
So yeah. I'm a little bit miffed. I had to go to jail on Tuesday night. Because Ashley made a poor choice in how to handle thing (who's surprised). She came over to the apartment and let herself in when I wasnt there. Now, that upset me, because she's moved all of her stuff out and doesnt live there anymore, but she was within her rights to be there because I haven't refunded her the rent back yet. What REALLY made me mad is that she brought her "stepdad" over to try to intimidate me. I'm sorry, but I dont find the loser who stole her car to go on a drug binge and left his son alone on Christmas intimidating. I find it pathetic. She said she brought him because she wouldnt talk to me alone. I asked her to come back later (it was 10.30pm) and we would discuss it or she could call me or i could call her. Aparently that was out of the question though because Michael wanted to try to be all manly and scare me and she wanted her money. There were several problems with this:
A) Asheley paid me $417.50 for July rent in advance and may utilities. She hadnt paid Junes utilities. I told her that when I got the water bill and the electric bill i would subtract them and give her the difference. But Ashley has the mail key. So i cant get the bills and she wont bring them.
B) I told her that she could either stay or go since she was paid up through July. She chose to go. I didnt kick her out. I told her that we had to be out of the apartment by the 28th. She said she could have her things out by the first. I agreed. Since the end of the month was nearing and she wasnt moving any of her stuff, i decided to give her incentive. I told her that if any of her stuff was still in the apartment on the first she would be charged storage. She moved everything out two days later. So there was no need for me to charge her (I'll get to why this is important). I also said until she signed off the lease, no refund would be made. Well, the apartments called me and told me that she and I both had to sign her off. This was a problem because I was working from 8am (when they open) till 7pm (an hour after they close). I couldnt be there so she couldnt sign off the lease.
C) Michaels a loser. I cant be intimidated by someone below me. Besides, he was only there to make troubleand scare me, and he even screwed that up. Ashley has stated to me on several occaisons how she hates his "dallas cowboy obsessed" ass, so I knew she was just using him. So again, he didnt make me scared, just angry.
So when I get in I'm already upset because im on the phone with my mom about how my grandfather is in the hospital and not doing too well. I got mad and went to my room and slammed the door. Michael came and hit the door and knocked the bottom hinge of (i probably helped when I slammed it), and screams "Okay you;re fucking psycho". Um, if thats not the pot calling the kettle black I dont know what the fuck is. So I came back out again to try to get them to leave. Well Michael backs me into the corner between my bedroom and him. He wouldnt let me passed to talk to Ashely. I told him to move and he wouldnt let me passed. So here I am, backed into the corner. A man quite a bit larger and stronger than me is not letting me move. I sure as hell wasnt going to back down. So I defended myself. I pushed him out of the way and got some manuvering room. Now, I couldnt make him leave just because I wanted him to cause she lived there too and she wanted him there. I could have though because he was in my residence causing a hostile situation.
So Michael gets pissed and starts yelling about how I'm going to pay or else (nevermind the fact that when Ashley owed me over 1000 dollars that I didnt get it for three months. And when I did get it, i only got about 940 of it). He headlocked me and threw me into the closet door and Ashely ran over and pulled him off a little and said some shit like "If you love me, you'll stop this". If I wasnt so mad I would have laughed. They hate eachother. He uses her for pot. She uses him for...well not much. Like I said, hes pretty useless. Anyways, so after that, she puts distance between us and has the balls to say "I just saved your life. You need to give me my money". At this point, I was so upset that I just wanted them to leave. If I had had anything close to that amount on me, i wouldnt have said take it and leave. But all I had was a twenty. And I needed that to buy lunch and gas for work (or so I thought).
I dont remember what i said, but ashely went from calm and rational (something new for her) to out of control. She started screaming at Michael "Just do it. Fucking kick his ass I dont care". She starting pacing around the empty living room talking mostly to herself. the only part i actually caught is that she said "You think you're gonna fucking charge me storage. Bullshit! Thats my money and I want it!". Now like i said, her stuff was gone. She had NOTHING in the apartment to store. What could I have charged storage for. Hello? So Michael let me go and she started coming at me. She moved back like she was going to try to hit me so I threw my arms up, waited until she walked into them, and pushed her back. Michael saw that as me beating her and grabbed me around the through and tossed me into the bathroom mirror. Mind you my mom was on the phone for the majority of this. She she's sent my dad over. They left and he got there.
Now my dad is not much taller than me. Full blooded hispanic. curly hair, dark skinned, made of muscle from doing contruction all his life. His solution was to go beat on Michael till his knuckles bled. I talked him out of that one although I wish I hadnt. He decided he would call the police. So we did. All i wanted to do was make a report. Didnt want them to talk to Michael, arrest him, or anything. I just wanted something on file incase he tried something again. Cause as he left he tried to take my tv as "collateral". Well, as she had proven, ashley could let him in at anytime. So all i wanted to do was make a report. Well the dumb ass officer decided he wanted to arrest michael. I said no, and he said it was out of his hands. So he went, ashely and michael told the cops that i apparently attacked michael first and then beat on ashely. So yeah. I had to go to jail. It wasnt the first time. I actually had a much better time. I met a lot of people the kept me amuse. I found where all the fucking people who know where tina is and how to get ahold of her. the bitch and i finally stop talking and I find the bitches that know her.
What really pisses me off is had Ashely done as I asked, and came back later or contacted me, I could have accessed the bills online, gone to the bank, gotten her a cashiers check, gotten her the money and this would have been over. Now I had to pay 2500 to get out of jail (because Ashley decided that i beat her and Michael. Two counts of assault), court fees, lawyer fees, and anything else associated with this. So yeah. It will be a while before she gets anything now. I dont know how to feel about it. Im kinda glad because it will probably make her mad. But on the other hand, I dont want to make her mad. She's still someone I care about (barely) and I dont want to actually hurt her (i did, but i was in jail from 1am to 5:30pm give you lots of thinking time). She and I not living together was definitley for the best. Im kinda just ready for this tp be over so I dont have to deal with it, or her, ever again.
Anyways. But that was my exciting day. I talked to work and I'm good as long as I dont miss anymore time through september. Which wont be hard. Its not like I havent gone to work sick before. I have to go to court for it, but I've been there done that before. I'll get through it. I'm kinda worried, but also excited. Dont ask me why. But everything happens for a reason. I'm excited to know what the reason for this is. Good or bad. I'm wanting to know pretty bad.