Internofdoom asks...

Jul 09, 2008 12:49

"How goes the store, sir?"

And so I thought... yeah I should probably update about that.

So we are now officially into week 49 according to the excel spread sheet. Which means next month we will hit the week 52 and then we will have been open for a year. It hardly seems possible.

One year.

Business-wise it would probably be smarter to say our one year anniversary is in September and then advertise and talk up that day to see if we can make it into something that will drive in business.

But officially the one year mark will be August 6th. On which day last year we did a lowly $113.81

So how are we doing...

If you ask my wife she would probably say we're doing okay. We're paying the bills and we're keeping the doors open. We haven't been late with rent or power. We're still getting new stuff coming in.

One of our closest competitors is -in theory- going out of business which could mean a nice influx of customers but we're not counting on it and I'll believe they're closing when I see the For Rent sign up in their store window.

I want to go ask them but somehow that feels a bit tacky seeing as how we're probably a little responsible on some level for them closing down.

I want to believe I'm getting better at ordering but I still make stupid mistakes. Like double ordering a title so we get 30 instead of 15 and then have a bunch sitting around.

I still obsessively worry about the store. I'm proud of it. But I worry a lot. And I keep thinking if we had 25,000 extra we could take advantage of some of the opportunities that have come and gone for buying collections.

I want to pick up another fixture and get some of the comics that are on the floor up off the floor and into the bins.

How goes the store? It goes well. It could go better. It would be nice to be able to actually take some money out of the store. I need CJ to start jumping on the web people but she's insane busy with her job and pushing stuff at her isn't very fair.

i know. I know a bunch of you have offered to do web stuff for us but the truth is I have no idea how to proceed or what to tell you to do or where to start so while the offers are wonderfully appreciated consider me a functioning luddite when it comes to web matters.

is the mock-up that the folks that are supposedly working on it have done so far. And I think its too... bland.

Compare that to: and
or even...

It doesn't have a feel. I dunno. I don't even know how to describe why it disappoints me.

But thats the next thing I'd really like to see come together.

Update complete.
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