The Diaper Cake...

Oct 22, 2007 10:49

I finished the diaper cake a couple of days before the shower, and the final touches were all a bit of a pain. When you're working on the center of something, there's not really any worries, because you know that whatever you do to hold something in place, it won't be seen. With the last little bits I put on, I started to get frustrated, because I didn't want any pins or tape to be showing. I finally finished it though, and dad and the stepmom said it looked fantastic.

After all that, I was a still wee bit apprehensive about the shower itself. It was a lot of work, and if people didn't "ooh" and "ahh" just a little bit, I'd be a bit disappointed. I didn't need to feel disappointed.

First of all, my sister-in-law didn't believe I made it. Which is, oddly enough, a HUGE compliment.

me: That there is my gift to you.
her: That's from you? It's gorgeous!
me: Thanks, I made it!
her: No, you didn't.

She believed me eventually.

Onto some pictures.

This is the first layer. All the ones on the inside are just fastened with rubber bands, but I did the outer ring of them with little ribbon. It's cute, but it's a lot of ribbon. I might not do it that way next time.

Close up.

It's a lot of diapers, and took about 8 episodes of Desperate Housewives to do.

And... Voila! There's a really cute froggy mobile that clips onto the baby seat hanging off the left side, and a cute, big, bug teething ring on the right. On the top, I put a soother with the clippy thingy, and then the little fans in the front are made from little washcloths (and a lot of starch). The bows are just bows.

I'd love to hear what you guys think of it. It was a lot of work.

diaper cake, kidamy as aunt, baby shower

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