On Oprah...

Aug 24, 2007 11:23

I have a strange love/hate thing for Oprah. Some days, I love her to death. Other days, I could strangle her. This is one of the rare days when I can actually stop and reflect.


-She get's people reading and...
-She gives up and coming writers the spotlight for awhile.
-She donates money to worthy causes.
-She's a chubby woman on T.V. (well, she's chubby a lot of the time)
-She's given a lot of people good advice over the years.
-She's somehow walking that magical line, where she's a role model to both business women and stay at home moms.
-She gives her audience free shit (you can get taht a lot of shows, but I think it started with her)


-I can't get that godddamned "Oprah's Pick" seal off my copy of "House of Sand and Fog". It's PRINTED on the damn thing. Seriously, it takes some kind of balls to have your name printed on someone elses freakin' book.
-She put the book club on hiatus for awhile - for a number of reasons - during which she commented that she "had trouble finding books good enough to select for the Book Club". Even if you think so, saying so is rude. It's fine if you don't want to do it anymore, because you're busy, but blaming it on others (even partially) is juvenile. Just because an author you highlight for your club doesn't feel "blessed", doesn't mean you take the ball and go home (well, she kinda didn't do that, I'm being a bit harsh. But it was shortly after that little episode that she decided to put the program on hold. There's more info here: http://www.writenews.com/2002/041202_oprah_bookclub_hiatus.htm)
-She took a book at face value ("A Million Little Pieces"), made it a bestseller with her club, and then got angry and publicly shamed him when it turned out it wasn't true. Well, Oprah, why didn't you have your research team look into things you're going to put your name on? I mean, if you're going to be associated with something, you'd think she'd have that sort of system in place. How long has she been in this business? Longer than I've been on this planet. I just don't get it. More on that here:http://www.salon.com/books/feature/2006/01/27/oprah/index.html
-She once talked about a $120 dollar sweater as "casual", and "affordable". Maybe for you, you cow. You have enough money to buy Canada.
-Is it just me, or is she a little bit smug all the time?

Maybe I'm just jealous?

chubby girls unite!, t.v., books, oprah

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