F Lock/Candy Canes

Jan 14, 2010 18:11

Tah dah! My journal is now off friends lock. Thankfully, I haven't actually used livejournal much, or else there would have been lots of entries to unlock. >.<   I only have three friends (my sisters and one of our really good friends, who might as well be my sister) so really, there wasn't any point to friends locking it. I mean, what's the point of writing something that only three people can read? Maybe one day I'll get bunches of friends on this site. Though, I severely doubt that since I can't seem to find many communities I'm interested in. =.=

So, yesterday, my History teacher gave the whole class candy canes. I meant to consume it on the bus ride home, but forgot I had it/ didn't really feel like eating it. Thus, now I'm eating it. The flavor tastes like any other candy cane, but with a hint of some other flavor. This other flavor kind of reminds me of that Eucalyptus mosquito repellent (boy, did that stuff smell weird, it worked though). Typing with partially sticky fingers is such a bother, because you have to avoid impacting the keyboard with the sticky part of your finger and just type with the clean part. So far, it's working out because only two out of ten fingers are sticky at all.

friends lock, candy canes

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