Shit--I don't really identify with any of these "
top 10 habits of a geeky spouse." (via
I mean I don't think I would date anyone who thought learning Elvish* or Klingon was worth their while (much less that speaking it could be romantic in almost any context). It's clear that the person who chooses between cans and bottles of cola by price per unit volume is missing the point (you're paying a slight premium for convenience with the cans, which all but the obnoxiously pointy-headed know implicitly). I don't even like Tolkien (don't get me started)--or the Muppets (I actually think they're sort of banal, though I was surprised to discover this) much any more, and the expectation that I'm supposed to like them makes me feel alienated.
It makes me wonder--maybe I'm not as geeky as I used to be? On the other hand I reflect on the fact that I argue with tossed-off top-ten-lists on my livejournal, and was kind of annoyed when the author wrote "Elvish" in place of "Sindarin or Quenya," and my heart finds peace.