Sep 05, 2007 19:12
if defiance was a dream
where riots were pretending
if rage and pride were visions
of the world left unending
i'd be the happiest sleeper
that ever dreamed the land
i'd never yearn to wake away
and welcome the sandman's hand
if believing in the best of us
was a place called hona lee
i'd saddle up that dragon puff
and ride high above the sea
if imagination was the only place
that peace and love ruled the day
then strap me in a matrix dream
and let me forget this reality stay
if the glorious world of make-believe
is the only fruit of rebellion's thought
let us all pretend we're peter pan
and live and dance where pain is not
i shout and scream defy the belief
that all writers and visionaries are dead and unseen
that a world is not possible if we can believe
until that day, we shall live in the dream