(no subject)

Mar 15, 2006 09:05

Ok, I havent updated in awhile and now I here to update you on what the hell is goin on. SO far 2006 has been miserable.. not only did it start of with me getting a stomach virus then getting bronchitus for 2 months. And it seems that im getting sick again. Then skool has been soooo shity...too much work with teachers always bitching about everything. great huh. Then i have my mom who wont stop buggin me about every little thing, and this is a problem for me cause i enjoy my space and privacy..when it comes to my mom. Also, i havent seen my dad in forever which really sucks. Then I havent really gone out too much lately, everyone has just been deserting me...leaving me in the dust. Why I am writing, i dont know. All of you are prob going to just pass through your friends list and ignore my entry. I understand. But hey. just felt the need to say whats up this year. there is only one good things that happened to me....
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