Jun 01, 2006 17:03
Today was ok, except I felt like crap in the morning. I had to get of the bus at the shops instead of the school because if I stayed on the bus, I would have chundered everywhere. When I got to school, I made the unwise decision of eating a Fredo Frog, which made me feel worse. First up we had sport, but I got to sit out. I was lying down looking at the sky, and I was kinda hallucinating, at least my eyes were playing tricks on me. You know how when you stare at a light for a while, then you look away or close your eyes and you see a colourful shape? First it was kinda like that, except it was clear and fussy instead of colourful. One of them turned into a dragon and flew behind the trees. Then a whole bunch of coloured dots rained down from the sky. It was shiny. When I rolled over I saw an ant, so I started stinging to it. He was nice. Other than that my day was pretty average. Mum is taking me late night shopping to get pants, yes, pants. I'm sad though cause I asked mum if I could get this Fullmetal Alchemist necklace off of ebay, but she said no :( oh well.